HotSexySally - Why so quiet!
Why so quiet!
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6 May 2002
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:16

Okay kids,

Remember me?? You guys have always been my number 1 source of amusement/entertainment and now for weeks NOTHING! So what's going on out there?

Do you guys really miss Johan that much!!!

Sal xxx
Panther92 - Re: Why so quiet!
Re: Why so quiet!
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10 Feb 2004
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:16

O So thats how it is we are only amusement??????

Well ok lets be honest here thats all we are!! LMAO!

The One
The One - Re: Why so quiet!
Re: Why so quiet!
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5 Aug 2005
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:16


Please bring Johan back for our entertainment...remember, on a need to klap basis!!
HotSexySally - Re: Why so quiet!
Re: Why so quiet!
Gold Member
6 May 2002
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:16

LMAO it's tempting at times!!!

We need another class clown any suggestions!

Hakuna Matata
Hakuna Matata - Re: Why so quiet!
Re: Why so quiet!
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16 Feb 2004
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:16

How about inviting Bob Mugabe onto the forum?

[deleted] - Re: Why so quiet!
Re: Why so quiet!
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:16

Which girl is the best girl on site?
Panther92 - Re: Why so quiet!
Re: Why so quiet!
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10 Feb 2004
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:16

Q well that my dear friend is up to personal taste! Why not try em all and then making up your own mind?
Porter - Re: Why so quiet!
Re: Why so quiet!
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14 May 2004
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:16

Hmmmmmm - I think the problem is that everyone else here seems to be suck-ups to you Sally - Johan was the only In-Your-Face poster.
The One
The One - Re: Why so quiet!
Re: Why so quiet!
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5 Aug 2005
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:16

Does that include you Porter? One doesnt have to be "in your face" to have a bit of fun on this forum!
HotSexySally - Re: Why so quiet!
Re: Why so quiet!
Gold Member
6 May 2002
Posts to Date: 401
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:16

Gee thanks Porter!!!

I'm sorry was I the only person to find Johan completely offensive in every way possible and I believe he invented a couple of new ways to be totally crude!


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