HotSexySally - Policy on Comments
Policy on Comments
Gold Member
6 May 2002
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:13

I have put together a policy for comment removal. I will be happy to have some input from users to this site.

Issue: Ladies listing on this site often request bad comments to be removed; obviously bad comments hurt a ladies business. Some parties do not feel that they should improve there service. I can't do anything about this unfortunately. If she gets bad comments she does not get business from this site and will no longer see the point in advertising and quite soon this site will not exist at all.

My current policy is that if a lady requests that a comment is removed that I shall remove all comments for that party in question good and bad. I have given this a lot of thought and so far that is the best I can come up with, any input is most welcome.

The One
The One - Re: Policy on Comments
Re: Policy on Comments
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5 Aug 2005
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:13


In my opinion, this is an open forum so positive and negative comments should be tolerated.

In view of the ladies paying for advertising and expecting a return on advertising, I suggest that the ladies reply to negative comment via email to the person posting, and that the 2 parties agree whether a post be removed or not. This can be communicated to you for removal.

In the event of a dispute, you should have to make a judgement call whether the post be removed or not. (This is your site after all!!)

Obviously, vulgar, racist or obscene comments, such as Johan007/008's, should be removed anyway.
HotSexySally - Re: Policy on Comments
Re: Policy on Comments
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6 May 2002
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:13

The One,

Thanks for your input.

95% of the ladies do not have access to internet and email so that wont work.

All "Horny Harry" baby you have nice tits etc comments are removed automatically and yes, Johan007/008 type of comments too I changed his password and since he re registered with johan008 his comments have improved a bit.

Thanks again for your input.

Hakuna Matata
Hakuna Matata - Re: Policy on Comments
Re: Policy on Comments
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16 Feb 2004
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:13

Hi all,

Sally, how about a formal reporting structure? I know it would be a lot of had work, but what about a forum similar to in the UK.

People are allowed to post "Field Reports" in a semi-formalised way, reporting on experiences, venue etc. There is right-of-reply available, as well as a reporting structure for vindictive or incorrect "field reports".

Punternet allows postings about working girls from anywhere in the UK, and I think that if you set up something like this in SA, the spinoffs to ESA would be potentially excellent.

For example: Joe Bloggs visits a lady who is not advertising anywhere currently. He has a good time with her, and places a field report. Now, everyone who looks at the ESA site will see the report, and several will visit, and place their own report. Sooner or later the lady will get to hear that ESA is improving her business, and you'll have another paid advertiser. It's an excellent way to promote your site amongst women who don't know that it exists.

[deleted] - Re: Policy on Comments
Re: Policy on Comments
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:13

I agree with both of these guys above. We still need the comments. Its like everything else in life, with these comments, ladies who offers great service gets rewarded, and those who
[deleted] - Re: Policy on Comments
Re: Policy on Comments
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:13

Yeah well if you need the money to keep the girls here then just delete bad comments if someone has nothing good to say then we know she aint nothing special because there will be no comments in the comment section no big deal if people have something good to say well then we know easy!

Maybe clear out the comments every 3 months or something start off new.

If someone wants to know of any expericenses they can leave a post in the comment section if no replies well then you know she aint the best ! It would be nice to see more Pta girls cause there are much more around its noble to get our views but the best choice is whats good for business ;) maybe have a 5 star rating system for people to cast a vote and show it only for members there are work arounds.

Amstel - Re: Policy on Comments ? Input required
Re: Policy on Comments ? Input required
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8 Jan 2003
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:13

Just one question ..... If 95 % of the girls dont have internet how do they know about bad comments ??????.

I however agree that anything in life has two sides and it always takes two to tango.I value certain opinions , but others I ignore. At the end of the day only the two pople involved in a meeting can rate it.
Chmok - Re: Policy on Comments ? Input required
Re: Policy on Comments ? Input required
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19 Jun 2004
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:13


Written comments - good or bad - will influence business - good or bad, and according to me absent comments simply spell no good.
Removal of bad news is of course sencorship, but to keep everybody happy (3 parties) this cannot be avoided on a commercial site like this.
However, I can see your point of the value of referrals being undermined, hence suggest following:

Leave the comments as per current, including whatever sencorship you want to apply.
Introduce a rating-system where patrons can vote their visit.
This vote should be accompanied by some comment in text, firstly to prove that the voter did visit, but also for reason of explaining/justifying his rating.
Only the rating will be displayed, never the accompanying comment, and inclusion in the displayed rating on the site will only happen if you're happy with reading the comment.

That means HSS that you'll have some work cut out.
Never ever should you react on those comments. If you don't believe them just discard the vote, but if you do amend the girl's rating. Those comments are for your eyes only, and your prerogative if you want to take them up with the girl in question.
However, what will remain is the girl's rating - a simple stat that never will be removed, next to whatever comments will be there. I would suggest some additional stat's like lifetime & number of vote's it's based on, nothing more is necessary I think.

One thing should be mentioned: If a girl decides to change her name, but does want to continue with her earned comments, also her rating will be carried over.
Amstel - Re: Policy on Comments ? Input required
Re: Policy on Comments ? Input required
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8 Jan 2003
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:13

I am afraid this i gonna get so complicated that nobody will understand or trust the ratings.I believe there is only one way . Visit the ladies you like the pics and the comments and make up your own mind. Keep to the ones you like.

What is stopping a lady going to an internet shop and give herself glowing reviews or for that matter giving the opposition @!#$ ones.

This is a commercial site , but it can be manipulated by people having their own agenda.

In the meantime i look at the photo's and make up my own mind , and on my few visists to ladies on this site only had one lady that will never see me again.
The One
The One - Re: Policy on Comments ? Input required
Re: Policy on Comments ? Input required
Basic Member
5 Aug 2005
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:15

Ag shame, die seuntjie lyk omgekrap...Soek jy 'n tet om op te suig, laaitie?


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