Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - ...never look agift horse in the mouth?
...never look agift horse in the mouth?
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2022-02-02 08:34:19

I always remind myself to never look a gift horse in the mouth.

Did i in this case?

Thus, when AN opportunity presented itself, a lot went thru my head...and it was based on the fact that i find myself in a sensual space where a naked female form is beautiful, desired, fantasized about and makes men do and say things they would not otherwise.

There is professing of love and surrender of the most 'sincere' sort...all to be put into context at the time...who does not 'fall-in'love' with a naked female form...not saying there is not a truth to 'some' whispering.

A Gentleman, a true Gentleman walks into my space in the most unexpected of ways. Should one wish to analyze the whole thing, one would then was meant to be.

A worldly man in the ways on "Purplish sites" and their delicious offerings. A man looking for something a little bit deeper and rewarding in various ways.

I was flattered and at the same time a little taken aback.

The offerings to help with some of my things we spoke about, me stuttering and thus it all went pear shaped.

I know the offerings were as sincere as could be BUT...two things pestered my peace and thus a possible 'friendship' destroyed.

Number one...nothing comes for free. Everything in life has a price. And even though the professings were 'sincere' in a moment where lingerie and stockings did a lot of talking...time would know to do its thing and thus to tread lightly and ensure that would be the case....without offense to either him or ME...after all it is two people in an an 'agreement'.

Number jump in and 'use' every offer made, financially a dream come true, taking away many a burden and allowing me to focus on other things...i simply could not do, out of RESPECT toward the Gentleman and myself.
It simply didn't sit well with me. I liked him, very much BUT, 45mins later to jump into the deep unknown waters was a price too expensive to pay, a risk too big to take and would make me feel like a gold digger. It was totally impossible to react the way he wished and say YES YES he expected.

My wish was for him to invite me again for that sandwich offered to feed my pang of hunger at 10pm at night and and and, this was going to be an extended 'love-affair' and i wanted to know we LIKED each enough and were more than an expected fuck in the hay or a husband-and-wife scenario....that is how it started.

Sadly...he took it as a rebutt, my not grabbing every offering made and i tried to explain to him.

I am not one to look a gift horse in the mouth BUT, money cannot by the sincere intent of entering into an agreement because i WANT TO and the blessings that come with it will be a most welcome and appreciated reward.

There is nothing desperate in anything i do and especially when it comes to entering into liaisons with Gentlemen for, that means i put myself on the line for use and abuse as well as feeling a 'little' ikky at doing the same to the other person.

I love good company and i love being appreciated for what i know i can offer...a sincere agreement indulged in without reserve or any resentment...but a 45min meet needs a little more indulgences to say YES YES YES to.

A true courtesan i hope to be when asked to be...not just your fuck buddy or u my sugar daddy.



Queen Ananas
Queen Ananas - Re: ...never look agift horse in the mouth?
Re: ...never look agift horse in the mouth?
10 May 2021
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Posted: 2022-02-02 09:06:42

I love how graceful you are boo!

I think you did what you thought was right and that was the right thing to do.

Temptation is always everywhere yes, and when someone offers you to release you from your burdens when it comes to money, it can be quite difficult to say no and not feel like you are a helpless baby sucking on the teat of its mother..

The key point here is although it was a lovely offer you would probably would have felt worse mentally, even though financial stress has been lifted.

As in you would have probably beaten yourself up for taking that amazing offer and that would have been a far greater price to pay than what you feel you have to do now.. and or feeling regret that you did not take the offer when it was given to you.

So my advice ALWAYS trust YOUR GUT! even though your mind might stray your gut is the inner voice's way of communicating to us.

This is just my 2cents.

Your Queen

Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: ...never look agift horse in the mouth?
Re: ...never look agift horse in the mouth?
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2022-02-02 10:04:18

...I don't know how you manage to do this , but reading this I could feel your retreat from the offer, careful not to hurt feelings.

Unfortunately when people do not get the answers they expect they do take it personal.

But as always trusting your own instinks , will always be the final and right answer, no matter how good the offers are or even how genuine they are.

Knowing your ownself , and knowing that it would be something that you would have to make many other sacrifices for that you not ready to do, is being honest and if he sits back and sees that he will know you made the best decision for you both.
Brad Patel
Brad Patel - Re: ...never look agift horse in the mouth?
Re: ...never look agift horse in the mouth?
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28 Jan 2022
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Posted: 2022-02-02 10:31:36

"A friend in need is a friend indeed,
A friend with weed is better,
A friend with breasts & all the rest ..:Cool lead singer from Placebo.

"Is this a real life,or is this just fantasy?"-you know who,already.

If I were in your situation, I'd do all I can to keep this life separate from the regular one,for peace of mind,if nothing else.

Seems you've made an adult & informed choice.

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...never look agift horse in the mouth?
Re: ...never look agift horse in the mouth?
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2022-02-03 07:32:06

Dear Queen...

May i.....


RUBENESQUE ( a word my 'advocate introduced me to)



What a sexy Ananas u are! the topic at hand. GRIN.

If i may be honest....i have been a 'courtesan' where an agreement is always in place, where a first time visit leads to a second and more, where travels are shared and excellent company is shared ( KNOWING one is comfortable with each other and LIKE each other to spend long periods of time in each others company), where interests are similar and the need to indulge in the more sensual and sexy are not forgotten.

Where there is no expectations...yet...there is. And there is where a very thin line is being walked. is a gradual process of more than one meet, making sure that neither feel used and more importantly there be no regrets or feelings of resentment as agreements know to pan out VERY different to what one may think.

Yes. The instinct knows to kick in when things feel a little off keel...and in this case , like in every other case, like everything i do in my WHOLE life...45mins was not enough to jump on the bandwagon and accept the very generous and sincere offers for, then, i would feel obligated and bound to 'returning' the favours even if i may not be willing to.

This is a special space where egos are big, expectations are different, wife and husband material is not sort and emotions are high.

Keeping all of that in perspective does not mean the best of the best 'relationships' cannot be found and indulged in.

I wanted more the 45mins to say YES YES YES...and enter into a mutually rewarding and fulfilling 'agreement'.

But, i suppose, we don't all function the same way. What a pity because i did think he was an awesome GENT.


Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...never look agift horse in the mouth?
Re: ...never look agift horse in the mouth?
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2022-02-03 07:39:42

Dear Miss Red

I always care to tread lightly and treat others the way i would like to be treated but, am not one to do or say things just to be in favour with anybody.

I am sure he knows i respect him more than he actually was aware of and that money is always welcome but, he the person outweighs the depth of his wallet as i had hoped my company did too.

Maybe just maybe...he might understand.

I hope he does.

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...never look agift horse in the mouth?
Re: ...never look agift horse in the mouth?
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2022-02-03 07:52:23

Dear Brad Patel

When one says keep "this life separate from the regular one" i always wander what that means.

Simply does one not bring ones 'work" home and not have it affect one?

I know u meant it more on a superficial level but, it does not work like that.

Especially in an industry where one shares of oneself the MOST intimate ....ones whole body and ones whole mind.

There should be a space for the Service Providers to "spill the beans" and share their challenges and pains and desires and longings and some guidance given on how to "not take their work home".

I Always wonder how women in relationships do it.

Peace of mind is important in ALL things in life...any choices made and paths traveled... and... in this case that i am in a space sensual required careful consideration so, whatever i do in this space, is done with peace of mind

Please do not be offended when i say...a VERY adult decision was made 6 years ago , when i decided i would surrender myself most erotically, seductively and sensually to all my Gentleman visitors when they walk thru my door...and what has come out of this journey chosen to travel was an education most rich, opportunities most rewarding and new paths mapped i would never have imagined before.

Kiss u close and most dearly.

Wcliff - Re: ...never look agift horse in the mouth?
Re: ...never look agift horse in the mouth?
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18 Jul 2019
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Posted: 2022-02-03 09:02:57

What an interesting read this post has been.Thank you to all who have contributed.

In the context of current South African life and living, business and relationships, ethics and morals around corruption, bribery, capture, mental and physical abuse it is of critical importance that everybody keeps their guard up. It is so unfortunate and certainly puts everybody on high alert when the Gift Horse walks in the door.

Caution, care and particularly consideration of the inner brain's messages of warning shift to high alert.

As has been mentioned before, there is no free lunch.

This may be a generalisation but unfortunately is very real, particularly where we are all currently with the need to be on the alert all the time ... sometimes at a higher Code Red level.

While we all need to be aware and on the alert, this is particularly true for our dear ladies and friends in the Purple World.

We all have had difficulties in last few years and those who have suffered the most probably the most vulnerable ... and probably most susceptible to accepting the Gift from the Horse.

Even though the Gift Horse may be standing in front of us, unless there is mutual trust and respect between the parties involved, it may stand there for a long time until the Gift is accepted ... if at all.

Unfortunately, mutual trust and respect is not established at a first meeting .... In fact sometimes never, even in long-standing relationships.

Be careful out there!


Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...never look agift horse in the mouth?
Re: ...never look agift horse in the mouth?
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2022-02-03 22:42:38


Hello one of my favourite people!

May i thank u in return for dropping in.

Mutual trust and respect involves morals and out-dated old-school concept or still very alive?

Is there any understanding of such in modern society?


[deleted] - Re: ...never look agift horse in the mouth?
Re: ...never look agift horse in the mouth?
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2022-02-04 19:44:44

A true gent perhaps? His ability to be introspective and continue your relationship will be the true test of whether he is deserving of more.

I know first hand how your wily ways can make a man lose his composure. I remember visiting you maybe 7 years ago after receiving my bonus cheque and I honestly contemplated giving it all to you. I made myself silly promises of how I'd visit every week until I won you over. I did visit every now and then for a few years but you always knew that what I wanted was what I could not have.

You're a beautiful free creature. Caging you in any way would be folly. You must choose to go on a journey with someone you cannot be coerced. Coercion leads to a loss of Lustre and two disappointed souls.


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