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9 Mar 2021
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Posted: 2021-11-15 15:56:10

Good Day all, currently new to the punting world. I have a big fear of going to the WG venue due to the fact that there might be secret recordings which could be used for extortion at a later date. I'm looking for something to put me at ease as i cannot afford to continue booking hotel rooms.please help
Pinky - Re: Paranoia
Re: Paranoia
24 Oct 2020
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Posted: 2021-11-15 16:00:54

The chance of that happening is 2percent out of a hundred,calm down and enjoy yourself,start with ladies with a good reputation,you can see that by reading reviews.
kevman - Re: Paranoia
Re: Paranoia
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19 Nov 2015
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Posted: 2021-11-15 16:03:10

Be untraceable.
Even if they have recordings of you, what can they do with it if they don't know who you are.

Get a punting simcard, only call / communicate from that number.

Obviously don't use your real name.

Only tricky thing might be a licence plate of your car, but they would need contacts to find out who it belongs to, even then then, it would be massive effort on their end to get such info.

Then think about it all. If they extort people, word would quickly get around and they would loose business. That and try to extort the wrong person could land them in jail.
Doubt someone would go through all that hassle as the risk and rewards don't add up.
ASASH - Re: Paranoia
Re: Paranoia
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23 Nov 2020
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Posted: 2021-11-15 16:05:50

or pornhub that shit for 10 sec of fame
[deleted] - Re: Paranoia
Re: Paranoia
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2021-11-15 16:13:54
Edited: 2021-11-15 16:17:55

And just to add to kevman, if you scared of vehicle identification, try to use uber, or park your vehicle to a close by mall (if there is one) and walk to the venue. But as kevman said, scammers will not easily go to that extent as that puts there own illegal line of business at a huge risk of being caught out.
Pick your ladies/venue carefully and definitely use a different sim and even a phone if possible. If you uncertain about a lady, try to pm some of the punters that may have been with her and get a personal opinion. The punters here will help and we all try to stick together to eliminate the unwanted bad ass scammers. Also try stay away from other punting sites, they are no where near safer then ESA. Been caught out once before on other platforms and never again. Happy punting.
AnthonyEdwards - Re: Paranoia
Re: Paranoia
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16 Dec 2020
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Posted: 2021-11-15 16:15:28

On 2021-11-15 16:03:10 kevman said:
Be untraceable.
Even if they have recordings of you, what can they do with it if they don't know who you are.

Get a punting simcard, only call / communicate from that number.

Obviously don't use your real name.

Only tricky thing might be a licence plate of your car, but they would need contacts to find out who it belongs to, even then then, it would be massive effort on their end to get such info.

Then think about it all. If they extort people, word would quickly get around and they would loose business. That and try to extort the wrong person could land them in jail.
Doubt someone would go through all that hassle as the risk and rewards don't add up.

What he said right there.

Punting pre rica sim card is very important. Not an old one one thrown away by a family member
Bbw Nadia
Bbw Nadia - Re: Paranoia
Re: Paranoia
18 Aug 2011
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Posted: 2021-11-15 16:20:36
Edited: 2021-11-15 16:24:16

It's an expensive way to try and extort money from someone who might have none and risk their cover being blown. They cannot risk extorting a guy who might have a helluva lot of clout. They will also be drawing unnecessary attention to themselves
DevenM - Re: Paranoia
Re: Paranoia
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15 Apr 2019
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Posted: 2021-11-15 16:25:48

What they said --- reputable venues, Punting phone, Uber and Fake name ...
Don't be that guy rocking up in a Lambo / of Aston Martin SUV (be nondescript)

Go one step further - create a fake Facebook Account from your punting phone, fake email address, your face (obscured) and your punting name - e.g. Frances Adam Kistenblum Edwards

They will follow your digital bread crumbs to fake hell.
Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: Paranoia
Re: Paranoia
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2021-11-15 16:31:33

;) your fear ain't irrational but it is very unlikely maybe 1/1000 chance of something like that happening ;)

There are easy ways to help you set your mind at ease...

Ask for music to be played it causes static that will bugger up any recording if you fear there might be one which will make voices unregonisable.

And for videos ask for rooms to be darkish.. that makes it very hard to distinguish facial features even if there is night vision cameras.

As said a punting phone and don't use vechioed that are branded with your company logo is.. nothing really you can do about number plates unless u go make a magnetic set to stick over yours around the corner of the venue ;)

Most ladies ain't here to scamm and rob punters. We just want to make a living as honestly as possible in an environment that is frowned upon by society.

Relax .. do your research when choosing your ladies, there is guys on here that ha booked 100s of women over time and nothing has happened to them,because they take time to get to know where they going and who they seeing.

wild_one - Re: Paranoia
Re: Paranoia
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13 Aug 2011
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Posted: 2021-11-15 16:31:34

you do know that extortion and blackmail are serious crimes and prostitution is really not taken seriously anymore in this country

so anyone doing what you suggest is looking at time in prison
even if such videos or recordings get out by accident the venue faces a serious lawsuit


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