DanTheMan79 - Advertiser in JHB - Need advice/help/assistance
Advertiser in JHB - Need advice/help/assistance
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14 Nov 2023
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Posted: 2024-07-26 14:38:27

I was partying with usual party friends that had o depart ar some stage and then a "friend of the friend" eanting to take advantage if the party vibe slipped 3 kamagra gels in a drink of mine then later bragged wih another who came and told me.. managed to run for it...

But OMG this is a problem I have zero experience in resolving and Dr Google says one dose lasts 48-72 hours ... WTF..

Its irratic, random.. and 100% uncontrollable

Need someone that knows how to deflate it properly otherwise the questions at home walking in might be a challenge

I am willing to follow all instructions, steps, actions and do whatever it takes for as ling as it takes with cut off that i must go home Saturday around 13:00.

If it takes multiple participants then so be it.. I will follow your knowledgeable advice and guidance to release all pressure ASAP.

No matter the work, effort or commitment and the cost is the least of my worry so you can know until 13:00 Saturday even if with 4-5 teammates its worth it and covered... send me the plan and cost on a DM and save me
Hazel Arabia
Hazel Arabia - Re: Advertiser in JHB - Need advice/help/assistance
Re: Advertiser in JHB - Need advice/help/assistance
2 Jun 2022
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Posted: 2024-07-26 14:50:20
Edited: 2024-07-26 14:51:41

How long have you had the erection for, if any more than 4hrs, treat it as a medical emergency, get it looked at, or face the possibility of complications, like erectile dysfunction.

But you said they're erratic and random so i presume its more like a recurring boner situation.
If you haven't already, a cold shower or ice bath?

I also wonder if the partner I assume you have, knew about a party? If so I'd just tell her they slipped it in your drink? "Boys will be boys" and that's definitely the kind of thing a boy would find hilarious.
eziguy - Re: Advertiser in JHB - Need advice/help/assistance
Re: Advertiser in JHB - Need advice/help/assistance
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10 Jan 2008
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Posted: 2024-07-26 14:54:18

If i were you, I would be more concerned that my heart may cave in with such a high dosage, apart from other side effects. A trip to see a doctor might not be a bad idea.
styffrichard - Re: Advertiser in JHB - Need advice/help/assistance
Re: Advertiser in JHB - Need advice/help/assistance
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20 Feb 2023
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Posted: 2024-07-26 14:58:01

Does that stuff really work that well?
Galaxy The Original
Galaxy The Original - Re: Advertiser in JHB - Need advice/help/assistance
Re: Advertiser in JHB - Need advice/help/assistance
31 Oct 2017
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Posted: 2024-07-26 15:06:21

Cum visit me in Pretoria lol ;) xxx
Angie - Re: Advertiser in JHB - Need advice/help/assistance
Re: Advertiser in JHB - Need advice/help/assistance
19 Sep 2021
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Posted: 2024-07-26 15:07:36

Okay either this is a joke or you're in serious trouble dude!

Anything past 4 hours can result in everything mentioned above AND you may never be able to get your dick hard ever again!

Dont be an idiot! Go to the fucking emergency rooms now!

And ps, you and your friends needs to grow the fuck up. This is not funny.
Michelle Savaty
Michelle Savaty - Re: Advertiser in JHB - Need advice/help/assistance
Re: Advertiser in JHB - Need advice/help/assistance
18 Sep 2018
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Posted: 2024-07-26 16:14:17

Agree, also he will have blue balls of note as kamagra gel or tablet also slows down the cumming process. Its a royal fuck up.
Pumpkineater - Re: Advertiser in JHB - Need advice/help/assistance
Re: Advertiser in JHB - Need advice/help/assistance
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23 Aug 2022
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Posted: 2024-07-26 18:11:38
Edited: 2024-07-26 18:13:52

This is what u in for.they gonna inject a needle into ur penis and draw the excess blood from your penis. U need to go to the hospital dude

Oh and no matter how many rounds u wanna go thing ur erection wil go away it wont. U dont empty your dick. U empty ur balls.
kingkk - Re: Advertiser in JHB - Need advice/help/assistance
Re: Advertiser in JHB - Need advice/help/assistance
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13 May 2023
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Posted: 2024-07-28 18:14:02

It can be super hectic. Agree about the 4 hour thing. It actually starts getting painful ad you harder than normal. If heart rate and pulse isn't coming done get medical help like now. Experienced something similar in my 30s will never forget the pain and anxiety.
Pumpkineater - Re: Advertiser in JHB - Need advice/help/assistance
Re: Advertiser in JHB - Need advice/help/assistance
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23 Aug 2022
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Posted: 2024-07-29 08:17:12

Dantheman can u give us some feedback. Are u stil alive, did u get medical assistance or did u get deepheat for the tennis elbow. I mean. You cant just let that hard on go to waste. Even if u have to sort yourself out.


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