On 2016-02-24 06:50:00 Natalie said:
I get irritated when someone phones and wants to negotiate my rates esp FH, which is something I dont usually offer and the reason for such is cause I'm giving you a part of me and there has to be some connection (refer to a previous post) Having said that please understand a 'price' is set by what a WG will value that part of her to be - some may be cheaper, for they have different motivations for such. When considering pricing - look at it from the point of view of the WG.
I don't think price is about what a wg will value that part of her to be.
If that be the case then I am undercharging my clients.
There is more to this than meets the eye and tons of different reasons why.
Eg. Area why area ladies working in Jhb South or Jhb city center cannot be charging sandton bryanston forways rate for obvious reasons.
Ladies working for venues charge venue rates some might charge a different price on their personal ads.
Ladies working in a crapy or dirty venue cannot charge HOE or Harem rates.
If a lady pays accommodation at 600 to 800 a day that is already 16k to 24k a month over and above adds toiletries for clients working essentials which may differ from lady to lady then then there is no point in charging 350 or 500 this is only a few contributing factors.
I have said to a lady before up your prices you under charging and her mentality was if I up my prices the clients won't see me, she has asked them about this.
In the same token sugar had a thread and told them she is uping her rates and punters didn't have a problem.
Then there is Everybodys kryptonite she charges a premium price irrespective is she gives a good service or not that day and her rate is the same for the guys she collects from and runs away lol.
But iny opinion if a guy knows he's getting a top notch service he won't mind paying be it 350 or 2k.