Posted: 2017-05-23 09:19:00
As a fellow product of the sixties I do have to admit that it took a long time to get over the whole stereotypical "what a male should be and behave like" line of thought.
But to the topic at hand, moisturising.
After years of watching Mrs Le Roux rubbing in all manner of lotions potions creams and products after a bath or shower, I grabbed a pot of something that didn't smell of flowers and gave it a go. Chaps it's quite nice and especially so in the Highveld winter where lips chap and skin itches from dryness.
On occasion I can get Mrs Le Roux to do the rubbing in, it's just part of the daily hygiene ritual now and she prefers my skin soft and fragrant. But it remains something of a chore for me alone.
When punting I typically enjoy a shower before things kick off and a lot of ladies are more than happy to assist in this endeavour. I have yet to find a lady that would refuse to assist with a bit of moisturising. Typically this is met with an amused smile, good natured shock or "wow that's cool, you moisturise all over!"
So, when out and about in the punting world just ask the lady of your desires. I have yet to have received a refusal.
Ladies, over to you, would you include a little rub down with something from the body shop without adding to the hourly rate? After all it makes the whole experience more pleasant for both.
Oh, for those chaps out there that have a negative opinion of my post cleansing rituals; I can still drink two bottles of Klippies and coke without falling over, hit a 4cm grouping at the range, fix my own bakkie, and perform the usual household DIY tasks. Last week I had the unfortunate, but ultimately successful experience of placing a guy in a choke hold, bringing him to the ground and explaining why smacking his wife is not the best way to obtain the behaviour he desires. He did have a bit of a scratchy beard that irritated the inside of my elbows though. Moisturise, you'll be fine, your balls won't shrink, and ladies approve of it which is never a bad thing right?