On 2017-06-21 13:37:59 jaykay96 said:
Mr Chairman,
I hereby formally apply for membership, that is if you take members from Cape Town?
The dearth of talent in this area is forcing me to tickle the pickle more often than I'd like. Currently of the 70 odd SPs in our village advertising on ESA:
4 are banned
5 are massage only (full house for me at the moment)
2 are travel only
1 is a crap lay
1 I am the wrong demographic for
8 are well overpriced (my budgets not bad but these ladies .... tjo tjo tjo)
5 of them are the same lady
4 specialise in an area I haven't convinced myself to try yet
At least 2 are code 3s
1 I did not click with
1 Myword advised me away from
1 is leaving shortly
Of the balance they all either don't fit my demographic, are in dodgy areas, or don't return any form of comms.
So I am figuratively fucked and literally left to playing a lone-hand, hence my application to your society.
I hope you view this request favourably.
Yours in earnest