On 2024-05-29 11:38:34 TelsaESA said:
Since everything is scripted on this world stage we live in ; so knowing that the ANC will win because more agendas are yet to be pushed under this party, I dare one of you wg to tell me different that the ANC won't win. Infact if you brave enough to challenge my factual view, provide me a free booking as a bet. I'm Currently in Durban btw
On 2024-05-29 13:35:01 Milo48.1 said:
Ms RB..... i'm not attacking you, just giving my pov..... a person with hope, hopes for change! A change of 'guard' and most other things in our country.
I will always hope for that!
And that doesn't make me an idiot.
On 2024-05-14 23:25:36 [email protected] said:
No point voting
On 2024-05-29 15:17:52 J_J said:
The shift has been long been seen with the steady decline of the ANC majority, first losing the 2/3 awhile back to now fighting just for 50%. Yes this could be the first time they dont get an outright majority. Completely out, unlikely. They will still have the biggest share of votes (I think it was 45% in the local elections) which will make a coalition easier than it would be with others.
Now coalitions, we've seen them at local and provincial level, that's gonna be interesting.
And also KZN - that gonna be where the most shit hits the fan. Or maybe not, who knows.
For me what's scary - Julius will be crowning the King if the ANC doesn't get 50. An AnC beholden to Julius is worse than a ANC outright.
And if Julius chooses a blue king, well we no that relationship doesn't last long.