On 2017-07-28 12:43:24 gary_g said:
@Joy Of course you don't have to explain "jack shit" to me, Joy. But your reluctance speaks volumes about how much credence should be given to your explanation of events.
I see no apologies for your speculations about why Shakira should be banned, but then I didn't expect any. But then don't say you only wanted to explain Veronica's side: you went out of your way to try and justify Shakira's banning. That also speaks volumes about you and your motivations.
Thankfully, you did drop the "Lovies"
On 2017-07-28 12:32:03 Joy said:
On 2017-07-28 12:27:28 frankstar said: Joy. Jy is so sexy wanneer by so skel. My piepie trek dinner styf hier in my vergadering.
frankstar Darling, don't you mean "donners" styf.