On 2017-05-17 10:35:35 Orpheus said:
Are the things that some punters do to score brownie points with the ladies. Perhaps for freebies or better service or xtras. Whatever the reason it makes the rest of the punters look bad
On 2017-05-18 09:38:28 Meg said:
The rating system is cooked and a lot of punters helps ladies for favors or discounts in return.
I know a few people that cooks the rating system.
Ma ja nie my sirkus, nie my apies.
Like they say some work hard some work smart.
I work hard.
On 2017-05-18 09:58:44 Orpheus said:
And Of course the VF pussy brigade would come after them.
On 2017-05-18 09:58:44 Orpheus said:
V you and your fan club have a way of hijacking threads and turning them in your own. Look what you did to that poor oke that spoke about his account with a well known WG and the review system. You turned the tide on him and told punters that's it's their fault for accepting freebies. Why is it their fault. It's the ladies that should stop offering them. If one gets something for free why should they turn it down.
If you want to know about my exploitS. I have almost 3.5 posts. Go search.
On this thread I started a discussion. Not insults. But you couldn't resists. Shows your personality. Many feel that way about you but won't stand up to you for fear of being targeted. And Of course the VF pussy brigade would come after them.
I suppose now I'm going to get it from many sides. I couldn't give a fuck. I have nothing further to say. Not going to hurl insults at you nor fight with you
I actually feel sorry for u. Really I do.