On 2016-08-25 10:28:06 Jordan said:
Lalita u were quick to dish it out on Friday. Now u can't take your own medicine. And Arwen.. I send u a PM on Friday and what did u do? Posted it on the forum for everybody to see. And when anybody dares to give u back what u dish out u run to management to try get them banned. So get ur little fan club together again then u give me ur best shot.... again.
Jordan a few things I would like to point out too you.
1. It's Arhwen not Arwen
2. Get Your Facts straight. Can you prove the staren't that I ran to management asking the to bann anybody. Even beer yet can management confirm this???
3. you have the wrong thread your inane ramblings would best suit the thread where decided to out ladies on the forum even though you fid not mention names it was obvious who you where speaking of and further implying they ask to be ill treated.
4. This is the second time you have mentioned the ladies forum on the open forum I know you don't care because bad things don't happen but IT IS MEANT TO PROTECT LADIES. so keep it private like it's meant to be. If Jemma was around you would have been banned no questions asked luckily for you She is not.
5.Regarding me posting your PM our discussion was on open forum why the need to repremand me in privals. So I just posted it where it belongs if you have a problem with this you need to build a bridge and get over it.
6. We speak up and look out for other ladies that can't/won't post their viewing in open forum because they afraid some dodo will attack them so just because you don't like other ladies up standing up for you (because bad things don't happen to you your too good for that)don't deny the ladies that appreciate the ladies that do the right to so.
Last but most certainly not least. I am aloner by choice I do not belong to no book club no cook club no fan club. I live in a happy little world where irrelevant people like you don't matter ;)