On 2017-06-04 10:01:34 Minimee said:
@fboy...no bigger battles?? So your biggest battle in life (and this country) is to MAKE a WG (who do not wish to do so and still have a choice) see you?? A bit pathetic fboy (just my view)! Aaaanyway...enjoy your day then.
On 2017-06-04 10:15:06 Fboy said:
@Veronica you see you have stated your view. Even though I disagree with some of your points, I would never dispute your right to say them.
On 2017-06-04 10:33:46 Veronica Franco said:
Was never disputing your rights to have a point of view with regards to the matter, I'm just stating what the constant stirring of the matter does in terms of the point you're trying to make. It's counter productive in terms of getting any of the ladies to open up to other races and yet it's brought up and rehashed time and again. You can't see the damage it actually does.
On 2017-06-04 11:29:06 Fboy said:
On 2017-06-04 10:33:46 Veronica Franco said:
Was never disputing your rights to have a point of view with regards to the matter, I'm just stating what the constant stirring of the matter does in terms of the point you're trying to make. It's counter productive in terms of getting any of the ladies to open up to other races and yet it's brought up and rehashed time and again. You can't see the damage it actually does.
I see what your saying, but my goal is slightly different. I believe that those who don't have the capacity for empathy for there follow human beings will never have it. And those that do have that capacity, already possess it (thus don't need to be told). So I'm not trying to persuade anyone. My goal is to have people deal with the truths and facts when they discuss this, don't lie to yourself and more importantly, don't lie to others about what you are.
On 2017-06-04 15:13:03 Fboy said:
I think I've gone above and beyond to emphasise that it's not just a white thing. But black, white, Indian, pink or purple... it is clear cut, it's racist. What else would you call someone who practices racial discrimination?