tapthat100 - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
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16 Jul 2011
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Posted: 2016-11-20 23:53:22

Whatever happens things are bound to change but actually stay the same. The piper plays and we dance or you stay poor. There's always going to be a crises......otherwise you might catch the magicians trick.
[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Less than 10 posts
Posted: 2017-04-19 21:55:44

A few months later and what has happened ? Did winter happen upon us ?

Unfortunately the answer is a resounding : YES

Zuma did get rid of Pravin, his timing desperate, the effect on the rand momentous.

Standard downgraded immediately, Fitch shortly after. Only Moody's to still do their downgrading, which is now an absolute certainty.

That will force investment funds to withdraw their funds from SA, the rand will drop more, investment in the economy will disappear, and the growth that we need for our economy and the subsequent collection of taxes will drop, leading to negative growth.

The new Finance Minister is a joke, no one is taking him seriously, certainly not the ratings agencies. They do not believe that he is the man for the job. But then no one really thinks that, he was just put there to open the gates at Treasury. His travels overseas now yet another futile waste of time. He forgot to take the real people with.

Was it not sad that the level of intelligence in our leaders were so abunduntly low, one might smile at some of the remarks from ministers. "If the ratings agencies don't like us, we will start our own rating agency" I am speechless regarding staements like this.

The bitter part of it is that some will understand it for the gibberish that it is, but I believe that more than 50 % of our population would listen to that idiotic statement, and not really know what it is all about. These are ministers that is spouting forth shit.

SASSA is an absolute joke. Bathabile can not be fired because of her incompetency, because the incompetent fool is the leader of the ANC Womens League, who supports Zuma wholeheartedly. Which, sadly once more, is so ironic : WOMEN SUPPORTING A RAPIST. Are there no limits to how low we can go ?

SAA losses going in a week from 1,9 to 4,5 billion. Yes, BILLION. How the hell is that even possible ? Didn't see the number of zeros ? And that is not all. Wait for more shit. SA Express coming with demands. New planes etc. Pilots wanting even more money. Sell the damn thing off, it is costing you and me money. It will in it's current state NEVER make a profit.

Popo Molefe back at Prasa as the courts told the then Minister Peters that her decision was wrong to fire them. Why fire them in the first place you say ? Because they started exposing the R 80 million payout to Zuma. Peters then fired, and disappearing into the night, and I am betting with a healthy paycheck.

Brian Molefe : crying that his children are victimised and RESIGNING. WHY THE HELL PAY THE IDIOT R 30 MILLION ? I will also resign if I get a R 30 million paycheck after 18 MONTHS. It is simply mind boggling.

The Hawks boss, the man that stopped all investigations into Zuma. Replaced by his assistant, really ? And Fikile that is a joke now the Minister of Police. All grandstanding but no substance, as the status quo will continue there.

The majority of citizens have no idea what is coming.

But the groundswell of animosity against Zuma is getting there. Even his own people are turning. They are beginning to realise that the ANC might just lose the next general election.

Interesting days ahead of us.

Wait for the Moody's downgrade to start the rot.

And a good night to you all.

Greyfox - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
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31 May 2007
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Posted: 2017-04-20 00:20:03

Yes. I agree tough times ahead.
[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-04-20 05:42:17

Well written post, depressing stuff though. I can not for the life of me understand how people in charge can be so thick. Another statement from one of them "Investors can come back to SA on our terms" or something to that effect. The mind absolutely boggles.
[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2017-04-20 06:38:34
Edited: 2017-04-20 06:44:31

"Zuma did get rid of Pravin, his timing desperate, the effect on the rand momentous."

I stopped reading after the above statement, momentous my arse, the Rand has weathered the storm far better than expected. R16,90 to the pound and R13,29 to the dollar is a helluva lot better than the R22 to the pound and almost R16 to the dollar after nenegate. We have a shit president, we have a joke for a finance minister but this shitstorm has been heading our way since the apartheid days. All these fools have done is clear a path for it to happen.

There are countries out there who are literally waging wars and killing people based on corrupt motives and from my analysis $19 trillion national debt in reality makes Zimbabwe a richer country. Zuma will fall it is inevitable but saying this is his fault is just stupid. Winter was here a very long time.
Shenanigans - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
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25 May 2016
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Posted: 2017-04-20 07:17:44

This is well worth a read:
martinm - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Gold Member
10 Mar 2007
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Posted: 2017-04-20 08:22:45

The future outlook is very dismal, the country is now firmly on the steps to becoming a new Zimbabwe!! I think we should just spend all our money punting before it is absolutely worthless!!
BOOBS53 - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
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9 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2017-04-20 08:27:35

On 2017-04-20 08:22:45 martinm said:
I think we should just spend all our money punting before it is absolutely worthless!!

Lmao ... great advice ... let's start now before it is to late ... ladies i am on my way !!!
[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Less than 10 posts
Posted: 2017-04-20 13:14:18

SA now on it's way to become the next Zimbabwe.

In Zimbabwe a new law was passed that goats and cows and I suppose all livestock MUST now be acepted as collateral by the banks when customers apply for loans.

Which is good news for the farmers between us.

Will that mean that ladies will be accepting a chicken for a pomp ? Must the chicken be free range or the usual fatty one ? Does the size of the chicken have to match the size of the service ? Big Chicken Big Dick ? (With my small dick I can bring a day-old chicken). Must it be cooked, as in Kenfucky Deep Fried ?

What if I bring a cow? Is she more valuable that an ox ? Or a bull ? Will have to buy a trailer to take my cow for a pomp.

Interesting days ahead.


[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2017-04-21 22:41:54

SA is looking for new sources of revenue.

What about this :

Idea 1 :
Legalise the sale of weed and put VAT on it. Give licenses to applicants in various areas all over the country that can sell weed legally. It will take a lot of crime off the streets, and who really has the time to grow enough of it in your back garden ? Just another gripe on that long list that the missus so loves to spit out and especially just as you recline with your favourite beer in front of the telly.

Idea 2 :
Legalise sensual massage.
Venues register and pay tax and VAT.
Punters can deduct the cost of a visit as part of medical expenses. Problem is that the missus must never see the tax calculation, as the quantum of that particular expense might be more than the groceries every month. And just remember that a massage a day keeps the doctor away. It is a known fact that as soon as you start having erectile and or performance problems, chances are that a heart attack is approaching. So one could argue that going for a massage every so often is in the best interest of your heart's continued good health.... This is called the Discovery Doctrine, and is the same Doctrine that states that they will pay for gym so that you will be healthier longer, and be able to make more inflated medical insurance premiums to line their pockets.
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