fclown - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
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31 Mar 2008
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Posted: 2021-05-20 14:38:08

On 2021-05-20 14:12:37 Cassanata said:
Lesley, why are you lieing. I did not say any of the things you said I said. ESA can check. Either she lied to you or you are lieing. Dont know why you are starting with me again, guess you are still reeling from the butthurt I gave you.

I only called her a hobo and said that word on the forum is that she is actually a fat middle-aged guy. Stop fkin lying.

Stupid idiot with a third rate education, it's "lying" not "lieing". Go back to school you uneducated low life!
Now to sit back and munch on some salt and vinegar flavoured popcorn.
Shakira - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
3 Aug 2020
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Posted: 2021-05-20 14:40:16

On 2021-05-20 14:36:10 batman23 said:
No one gives f$ck about what any of the involved parties said or say know.
Why would any of us care.
P#ss off the lot of you dumbies

Exactly! Definitely didn't make a positive change to our life. its ugly and unnecessary we dont need to know those personal things.
fclown - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
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31 Mar 2008
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Posted: 2021-05-20 14:48:45

"Message From:Cassanata
Date:A minute ago
Go fuck yourself you inbred fuck.

I'm typing on my phone while doing other sit so I made a mistake with the typing.

How about you say that to my face so I can redesign your face."

Apparently this munchkin is a plastic surgeon who is busy with other sit :)
What a douche :P
fclown - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
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31 Mar 2008
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Posted: 2021-05-20 14:55:42
Edited: 2021-05-20 15:22:48

Shame for this poor pumpkin, I must have hurt his little feelings :-D

"Message From:Cassanata
Date:4 minutes ago
Yeah, I know its lying, made a typo as I am doing something else. Dont worry my education is better than yours. Not to mention I would test your apart if you ever had the nerve to say this to my face.

Message From:Cassanata
Date:A minute ago
Enjoy the ban. Whst a moron lol."

Mer personally, I can't wait to be tested apart. This poor foolish fool.
KICKASS - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
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12 May 2011
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Posted: 2021-05-20 15:04:30

I am trying to understand for those that feel you don't want to engage then by pass this topic. Fortunately or unfortunately I am like a little b...h I like things and I will read and engage because I love drama. However after all this back n forth we can always climb in the same bed together and make up.
[deleted] - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2021-05-20 15:06:08

On 2021-05-20 14:01:49 Lesley said:

You said the most disgusting things to her in your messages.

Your vitriol doesn't end. You called her a fat pig. Said no one would pay to fuck her. She's just a lousy whore, good for nothing.
You said you want to shove your dick up her ass to see her scream.

I am not even shocked.

Some people don't have the ability to see when they have lost.

You are a sad sad human being. Whatever happened in your life must've really messed you up. You know what they say about the abyss and the monster.

You take great pleasure in the pain of others.

Abusers like you never really win. Ever. Nothing can ever fill that emptiness you feel.

The power and high from your abuse doesn't last very long does it....the cycle never stops. You are forever doomed to be you.

I feel sorry for you, honestly. You will never know love, empathy.

You are just a shell....always will be....empty.

So in summary:

So Lesley started this... thread and was banned for sharing personal messages once even though... she was warned by 2 other ladies not to and to change it. Somehow she got immediately unbanned. Now she does it again. Must be nice to have friends or boyfriends in high high places.

Then Passion got banned for freeloading on the thread but no sign of promoting any wg or venue.

Now fclown does exactly the same bannable offence of sharing PM's... and calls Cassanata a douche, lol

When everyone thought this thread was done and even Cassanata fellow said he didn't want Lesley banned blah blah, there goes the fighting again and like so many said... she was looking for attention... and now proved right and others where claiming she was being bullied but she's not letting sleeping dogs lie.

*Shoot, I can only post twice every 3 hours but I'm getting me some popcorn and gonna catch up my reading here. This is almost a circus. Here I was thinking this is a punting forum to get some action and have some dirty fun.

[deleted] - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-05-20 15:07:36

I also have screenshots and esa can see all the messages.why are you looking for drama again, is there no end to your attention seeking and need for validation??
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