On 2023-11-07 09:07:00 danwest said:
The amounts of deception Mr Walker went through to secure a booking is the deal breaker for me.
Somewhere along the way he should realize that this lady really doesn't want to see him, and deceiving her to see him will not go down well.
On 2023-11-07 13:08:53 sircumsized said:
Let esa close the thread its run its course . Verdict - not guilty keep the bucks
On 2023-11-05 10:15:33 Jess said:
So many old timers vouching for Angie, that speaks volumes on it's own.
As for a client pitching up under false pretense, that's dangerous.
Ang I would take a cancelation fee and give him the rest of his money back.
On 2023-11-07 13:45:43 SolCandy said: