[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-05-31 18:59:46

On 18 May I said :

"General Motors decided they had enough of doing business in SA. They dumping everything and leaving in a hurry, before they get nothing. This is the first big announcement of many to come, international companies disinvesting in SA. The efffect ? Job losses, technological isolation, the list is endless and already posted on this thread."

Barclays just confirmed that they had enough of this shit. They are gone. The stampede is starting.


[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-06-11 22:03:09
Edited: 2017-06-11 22:05:10

So many State Capture coming to the fore now that even I am losing track. Seems like the whole top echelon of the ANC government is on the Gupta payroll.

The rot has become cancerous and will need serious culling.

We should start building more jails now in anticipation.

FOR THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE. Not really, it will get you in jail.

Why are we paying taxes ? For them to steal it ?

It will get progressively worse before it will get better. Self preservation and the need to secure your own little kingdom will lead to huge fighting between now and the December elections. Expect more shit than good news.

ancyl wants zupta's ex ? Go back to school collen maine you little dumb fat fuck. daddy zupta did not get a room for you in Dubai.

The Boland region singled out for placing people on the candidats list for ANC positions that was not even nominated ? Expect to see Jonton Snyman's name more prominently in this regard in coming weeks.

Winter has arrived....
catalyst52 - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Basic Member
6 Sep 2014
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Posted: 2017-06-12 00:43:50

Wow reading some of this thread is worse than reading news24. Now I will go to bed depressed, thanks.
[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-06-14 22:31:49

Looking at the suggestions that the little boys from ancyl put forward that they would like to be the next big 6, and no surpprise that mama zuma is there. Also jesse duarte, a die-hard zuma supporter till her last breath, so deep in his back pocket that it feels like an enema that just doesn't want to go in, slipping in and out, giving zums that wet feeling in his pants.

And no discussion at ancyl level regarding the mega wikileaks like trove of damaging e-mails from the inside of the gupta empire. Why ? because fat fuck collen mayne is implicated in them.

On a side note, the guppies must be shitting themselves trying to find out who leaked all those mails.

And old gertjie van der merwe now also implicated in some grey matters ? Soort soek soort. Cunt can hardly vocalise in English, how the fuck does he correspond with the guppies ? in afrikaans ?

Looking at their demands, one can but hope that there are some kids somewhere out there that has more brains than that lot of dumb fucks. I actually pity them, for if the anc is not in control, collen and co will be begging at the robots. Stoopid, unemployable, waste of air. Get off your lazy fucking fat asses and go and do a decent days work.

That was actually amusing, playing as if they are little gods.

No you not.

You are pawns, little fat stoopid pawns.

Saffer - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
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8 Feb 2012
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Posted: 2017-06-14 22:50:11

Just buy US Dollar based assets and enjoy what South Africa has to offer; warts and all.
[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Less than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-06-15 08:46:36

On 2017-06-14 22:50:11 Saffer said:
Just buy US Dollar based assets and enjoy what South Africa has to offer; warts and all.

Exactly what i am doing!
Saffer - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Gold Member
8 Feb 2012
Posts to Date: 90
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Posted: 2017-06-15 22:03:32

Ja, I actually mostly live overseas and am looking at returning. Mad, you say?

Well, SA is actually very lekker and it is possible to enjoy the best of both worlds.

[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-06-29 11:23:19
Edited: 2017-06-29 11:34:53

I mentioned the Water Boards previously and the impending implosion. The idiot minister that was extolling zuptas virtues are now exposed as totally incompetent, as is so many of her colleagues.

Which brings me to my point for the day. The total incompetence of the government at large. They are so stupid that it is becoming a laughing matter when they open their mouths. No wonder the rest of the world think that we are backward idiots with no intelligence.

This was not always the case. What happened ? A radical overhaul of all jobs that government control by chucking out the whites with the knowledge and experience and replacing them with loyal and stupid supporters that had no idea how to function in that environment.

Those that rose to the pinnacle of power in government now are the ones that have additional qualities, like being to steal, lie, deceive and steal really well. Oh and be loyal to their paymaster. Or feeder.

There is still today a steady stream of white South Africans with years of experience and knowledge emigrating to greener pastures. NZ for instance average 15 per month. Every month. And that is a small destination. Think Australia, England, America, Canada.

These are the cream of the crop. And they are the right age to still make a move, and is willing to give up everything here for a chance of a better life.

Whichs begs the question ? This is the land of milk and honey, we have the open skies, bushveld, wines, sea, everything that you could hope for.

Why leave ?

Because the abuse of power and the radical transformation policies and proposed landgrabs that will be THE ONLY SELLING POINT of the ruling government makes it untenable for white South Africans to stay and bring up their offsprings in a country ruled by people of no or little intelligence.

Even if the process of replacing them starts kicking in, it is still flawed. Look at Lynn Brown, kaapse " ....", that is replacing the Eskom Board. She should be the first to have been fired, as she is so obviously out of her depth. She was only brought into the cabinet to stroke the coloured vote. As a minister and human being, she is a failure.

Look at Ben Ngubane. Transnet and then Eskom. Now in the dog box. How did he ever get there in the first place ?

But in the statement that zupta is their feeder, comes a problem. What happens when that waterfall of stolen cash dries up ? And the fed look to the feeder, who will be vacationing in Dubai, what then ?

For in that lies a massive problem for zupta. True loyalty cannot be bought. Loyalty to a cause is something different. Loyalty to someone that pays you only lasts until that last paycheck. This is a fact of life. Indisputable. Especially with the idiots here on the payroll. They will go wherever they get paid. They will do whatever to continue getting paid. Otherwise they are the next generation of beggars at the robots.

Look out for them shouting the loudests and most aggressively in the coming months. They have not begun to realise that the end is nigh for them, but every day that day is coming nearer. And when they realise that, the shouting will become more violent, because that is your first building block : Personal Security. Without that first building block the rest becomes meaningless.


[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-06-29 15:49:54

The people currently in charge are mostly shining examples of the Dunning Kruger effect. Pardon me if I have said this before but it is becoming more obvious with every passing day and every developing scandal.
[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-06-29 16:13:07


Absolutely agree with your Dunning-Kruger analogy.

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