Posted: 2024-11-03 18:26:04
Edited: 2024-11-03 18:27:34
An anomoly undaunting.
The only time my Sunday morn is out of routine is when I am in CT due to logistics.
When here, home or, in Durban, Sundays ALWAYS but, always start with that spiritual soulful recognition that , actually ,lives in all of us. Maybe dormant but, definitely there.
It is astounding how much emphasis and time we spend on that which we can see...the physical.
Yet, it is THAT which we cannot touch nor see that defines our inner core that we abuse, starve and ignore.
We read and hear "guru's" sharing life's skills, sharing words of wisdom, that touch our heart or we feel an affiliation to, only to forget and continue on the path of self destruction and become a physical entity judged and moulded by the fickleness and ever changing views , fads and trends...and that which gnaws away , that unseen, unexplained ....intangible, once again neither nurtured to heal or respected.
As much as the heart and brain are organs, so too, it is the unexplainable...the spiritual self, the consciousness of being.
The self acknowledgement and realization of ones values and morals .
Today was a day , once again, like every Sunday where a full stop is put to a week past and energies harnessed from the best of the best , for the upcoming week.
One never ceases to learn.
When ones ears know to listen and hear, ones eyes see with vision, ones word spoken be another person's hope...every heartbeat be a gift given and meant to be lived, a progression of self no matter the imperfections one was birthed with.
To have society leave an imprint on ones being will always happen but, in return, what an achievement when one knows to leave an imprint on society. On a single entity is all that it takes
An imprint that lifts the spirit, deepens faith and begins to awaken the best of self dwelling deep within, unshakeable and steadfast in whatever may lay ahead.
To hear the Good Word. To give of self to those who need it most.
To know the self and never forget, at the end of everyday one has to know to live with who one is and that which one chooses to be.
It is the settled inner being that will rock the foundation of those spirits unsettled and in that lays a strength no living creature can take away from one.
And thus a day ended. The self invigorated and a strength once again proudly embraced and ever thankful to respect the best and worst that makes the person I am.
To be unashamedly a soul spiritual , steadfast and unwavering in faith of all things positive ....even though a life lived with many anomalies.
May we be kind to ourselves yet, have the courage to be critical and honest where it is needed and challenge the spiritual suppression that breaks the best in one.
Happy Sunday eve to all!