Bbw Nadia
Bbw Nadia - Re: Looks
Re: Looks
18 Aug 2011
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Posted: 2022-01-10 13:12:54

On 2022-01-10 12:22:06 Kourtney B said:
In this industry looks most certainly matter.

But... having said that... so does manners.

If a punter degrade and put down a fellow SP and I see it, I will try and avoid that punter like the plague.

Kindness costs nothing :)

Yip no need to be nasty about it.
I have mentioned this many times here before. Some guys who have visited me are so good looking I half expect them to say thanks, but no thanks. But they stay and make love to me as if I were the most beautiful woman on planet earth. And best thing is they come back time after time.I get that the industry is based on looks and fantasy.
you53 - Re: Looks
Re: Looks
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5 Jan 2017
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Posted: 2022-01-10 13:36:49

On 2022-01-10 12:22:06 Kourtney B said:
In this industry looks most certainly matter.
But... having said that... so does manners.
Kindness costs nothing :)

I agree 100% that kindness matters but so does honesty.
Honesty is an important aspect in reviews and discussions on the Forum but whenever a person raises a negative aspect it must be in a respectful manner. This also applies to any counter responses to the initial statement
Indian Chanel
Indian Chanel - Re: Looks
Re: Looks
19 Mar 2020
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Posted: 2022-01-10 14:48:01

Im just here for the comments
Find this topic hilarious to say the least...
Max.ledger - Re: Looks
Re: Looks
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21 Aug 2011
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Posted: 2022-01-10 14:53:35

Mutual respect is what is all about
Only then can everyone have a fun and pleasant sexy time (as Borat would say)
Supersex - Re: Looks
Re: Looks
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1 Jan 2022
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Posted: 2022-01-10 15:15:56

Respect goes both ways. Wgs insult punters for not having the right package...not to mention roar. We as punters have our own roar ahahaha. Looks definitely matter. Most of the ladies that's much older or overweight charge cheaper. Depends on punter what he craves.
Kooni - Re: Looks
Re: Looks
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18 Jun 2019
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Posted: 2022-01-10 15:31:42

I do know I am one of those ugly one's " mothers threaten their kiddies with in getting them to eat their veggies", so looks not that critical to me.

But to be brutally honest, it does have an impact on how one feels about the session if the lady is "soft" on the eyes.

There is however a remedy if required, they say "beauty is in the eye of the beerholder, the more beers, the more beatyfull they become" .
Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: Looks
Re: Looks
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2022-01-10 15:33:52

Negative aint derogatory/insulting.

Positive aint simping/kissing ass.

A different opinion than your own ain't a personal attack.

Debates ain't arguments.

Self-love does not mean you have to disrespect others.

People, punters and ladies seem to be having a hard time knowing the difference when leaving/reading/ responding to comments.

One rule when on social media... type your comment walk away without posting have a coffee, a smoke, walk around the block, come back read it as if someone sent what you typed to you and you will find that you will change what you wrote.

Sometimes people loose themselves when interacting on social platforms, they do not even realise they behaving totally different.

Werner73 - Re: Looks
Re: Looks
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25 Feb 2021
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Posted: 2022-01-10 15:53:15

Diff strokes for diff folks. If a wg is not ur taste just move on. No need to insult anyone. There is someone out there that wil like her. Ive seen alot of punters then i think to myself thats why the guy is paying for a good time.
Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: Looks
Re: Looks
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2022-01-10 21:38:22

On 2022-01-10 11:51:15 dick.shaft said:
That punter was me. :( That's the one WG I'm allowed to say unpleasant things about.

Otherwise I agree with the general gist of this post. There is also preference, and this site has taught me how true that is. There are WGs whose looks other punters enjoy that did nothing for me and vice versa I'm sure.

That then means that anyone's judgement of the looks of a WG isn't based in fact but in preference.

Dearest dick.shaft

...i feel u and did when i read your initial post. And THAT is the gist of this post.

Simply being 'nasty' seems to turn people on and give them a high or some shit like that and brings on many an engagement in conversation...
Quite telling of characters and personalities....being nice is boring...yawnnnn...clap clap! what a fucked up society we are.

As to preference, there is nothing wrong with it BUT, it is in the eye of the beholder and biased.

Then Honesty...i am a lover of honesty and constructive criticism, knowing to engage in debate and affording each other the respect no matter how uncomfortable one may be.

But when it is simply downright insulting no PC or diplomacy excuse, ( am going to use a word "Peterb..." introduced to the forum a long long time ago.).. a fucknut his rudeness and vile disrespect of another human being .

...and lastly, i can understand u want to say nasty things about 'that' service provider...x
Jenna - Re: Looks
Re: Looks
3 Jul 2018
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Posted: 2022-01-10 22:10:04

But to be brutally honest, it does have an impact on how one feels about the session if the lady is "soft" on the eyes.

There is however a remedy if required, they say "beauty is in the eye of the beerholder, the more beers, the more beatyfull they become" . [/QUOTE]

How many beers u need Mt angel


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