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If Only - Re: Have you employer ever asked you if they can reduce your salary?
Re: Have you employer ever asked you if they can reduce your salary?
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14 Apr 2017
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Posted: 2022-01-22 18:52:21

Taking a cut in your salary, is not comparable what so ever with loosing your job completely!!!!
shoeguy - Re: Have you employer ever asked you if they can reduce your salary?
Re: Have you employer ever asked you if they can reduce your salary?
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22 Jun 2018
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Posted: 2022-01-23 06:50:18

Some people will live with salary cuts after the incident at the koel corner
Todayivisit - Re: Have you employer ever asked you if they can reduce your salary?
Re: Have you employer ever asked you if they can reduce your salary?
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1 Jan 2022
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Posted: 2022-01-23 07:49:10

Don't be closed to any negotiation. It might lead to a regular client.
MrGCpt - Re: Have you employer ever asked you if they can reduce your salary?
Re: Have you employer ever asked you if they can reduce your salary?
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20 May 2016
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Posted: 2022-01-23 08:06:32

There's a massive difference between your employer and your client.

Do not confuse the 2

It's common practise for people to ask for discount when purchasing a product

Like when a movie star gets asked to do a part in the show and they say they can't afford 150mil and only 80mil. There's still negotiation.

It's very simple to say I charge X and then if the guy says oof That's
Above my budget (like the car I'm trying to buy and can't afford) and then it's up to the SP to decide if he/she is ok with a price reduction.

There's no shame in that. If all SP's had their lists up like @tisha then there would be much less haggling and a lot more clear consideration and the business transaction would be easier

If you wanna look at how she does her business plan it's well layer out almost like she's a trained project manager.

There's even an consultation to discuss and make your mind up if you're willing to pay the rate you already knowz

That's business sense!

It's the fact that every time I want to buy milk at pnp, I don't have to call them and ask them what's the price of their milk today and if the milk is in a good
Mood and don't feel like adding 30%

This however isn't the case so today I may pay 1500 where the next guy pays 1000 due to various reasons. Regulars etc probably get a better price so if you want return business that "loyalty discount or freebee" does wonders for business.

I sell lights. It's a product. I give discount for those who buy more than 1 or are comeback clients. Damn sometimes I give discount just because the guy on the other side has been trying to get to the price and you can hear he's desperate.

I sometimes also give discount when it's close to bills paying and I really need that sale.

It doesn't cause me emotional damage to give a little discount then so it should not give an SP such annoyance/emotional damage because it's the product you're offering.

There will always be people asking for discount but what this post does for me is remove that SP from a possible list of go to'd.

Funny the SP states a client offered her 800 less than her rate. Now that rate can be anything. I mean did he offer you 200 or is your rate 2000.
If your rate is 2000 and you state that I would decline. I wouldn't even ask for discount as I decide on the availability of fund when told and when you offer me discount I refuse the discount as in my mind that would be a reduction of service but that doesn't mean others won't try.

Lalaa No.1
Lalaa No.1 - Re: Have you employer ever asked you if they can reduce your salary?
Re: Have you employer ever asked you if they can reduce your salary?
1 Jul 2016
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Posted: 2022-01-23 08:55:23
Edited: 2022-01-23 08:59:55

On 2022-01-22 16:27:26 Gretchen said:
No? Really? So you've never worked anywhere and was approached by your employer, asking if he can lower your salary, but you still do the same job? No? Well, then don't ask me to lower my rate. While I'm not opposed to negotiating a better price for repeat/regular clients, but not the first time.

Dear Gretchen, after your 2posts yesterday, I decided to go read your profile first this morning before I respond....

Then I saw "Deutschland", then I understood how you FELT, because I dated a German guy before joining the industry.....

In this world, not alone in this industry people are different, they think differently....they do things differently......

Some clients (from different backgrounds), are born negotiators...

so what I normally do, I make deals with them : like giving extra time but keep my rates

If they ask for R100 discount, then I tell them to bring for me something....

For some it's not that that they can't afford your rates...

Use your sweet voice and tell them how your rent is high, you still need to buy food and look nice, that's why you can't lower your rates...

for some it's part of life to win them over.....

So try to relax and enjoy the game's fun to win

N.B: I have been charging same rates from 2016, and i have many regulars, even my regulars never get discount

If they ask R100 discount, I say no problems but bring a bottle of wine....

Licorice - Re: Have you employer ever asked you if they can reduce your salary?
Re: Have you employer ever asked you if they can reduce your salary?
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11 Jun 2018
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Posted: 2022-01-23 09:14:40

On 2022-01-22 16:27:26 Gretchen said:
No? Really? So you've never worked anywhere and was approached by your employer, asking if he can lower your salary, but you still do the same job? .

Actually, YES. Had to take a 30% pay cut, loose a bonus payout that had already been earned and 3 subsequent bonuses, lost all my leave accruals and missed two consecutive years of inflation adjustments. All of this so the company could survive.

It could have been worse. I could have lost my job. I still had my financial commitments and bills to pay. Nobody offered me any discounts or reprieve. Bottom line is you need to "cut the cloth".

Reality is hard. Accept it.

I remember a WG in Randburg who used to be very vocal on the forum about the value of her vag proclaiming that she would never lower her rates. She became quieter and eventually it turned out she that she settled for much less.

We still live in a free market system. The price is dictated by the value that a customer attaches to a commodity and the supply thereof. If there are lots of potatoes on the market, everybody gets to buy cheap potatoes no matter what it cost the farmer to produce those potatoes. Those sellers who choose to sell at a much higher price will also make a sale here and there, but they will sell much less and the balance of their stock will go vrot and be wasted. Ever seen the amount of wasted product from the large "W" chain group?

Point is, when times are tough, customers look for value for money. When I walk into a store there is no way that I am buying a product that costs less in the store next door unless it offers a lot more in value. I as the customer get make the value decision though.

When I had to take the pay cut, I was the seller of my services. My employer is my customer. My options were to continue working for a reduced package or to walk away. Tough choice.

Point in case is the beautiful Aurora (add active) currently working from Melrose who understands that times are tough and has decided to to shape her service offering accordingly , and to add VALUE for her customers. I had to chuckle when her offer appeared on the forum adjacent to another posting which offered an hour appointment for half an hour "special rate at R1100.
Clearly these two SPs did not have the same feel for the market and understanding of value for money. Guess what my choice was!
Vox Populi
Vox Populi - Re: Have you employer ever asked you if they can reduce your salary?
Re: Have you employer ever asked you if they can reduce your salary?
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3 Nov 2020
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Posted: 2022-01-23 10:20:21

You're right, I have never been asked to take a pay cut! I was told that my salary will go down by 50%, take it or leave it....
depends69 - Re: Have you employer ever asked you if they can reduce your salary?
Re: Have you employer ever asked you if they can reduce your salary?
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23 Aug 2012
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Posted: 2022-01-23 10:25:36

During Covid my company asked all employees to take a 15% pay cut and sacrifice bonuses due and increases until after Covid.

Kommerq - Re: Have you employer ever asked you if they can reduce your salary?
Re: Have you employer ever asked you if they can reduce your salary?
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27 May 2021
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Posted: 2022-01-23 11:04:30

On 2022-01-22 18:40:03 Kourtney B said:
Very interesting and valid topic.

I've never had an employer ask me to take a salary cut but... having said that, eskom, landlord,nail technician, lingerie shop,hairdresser etc doesn't offer cuts either. People tend to forget what it costs SP's to maintain a certain standard.

This post reminds me of the gent that offered me R800 less than I would usually charge for an hour... Never spoken to the guy before...

We must all sometimes venture outside of our bubble to better understand the realities of the world outside of our minds.
Assumption is the mutha of al ....
Potatoejetguy - Re: Have you employer ever asked you if they can reduce your salary?
Re: Have you employer ever asked you if they can reduce your salary?
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8 Mar 2021
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Posted: 2022-01-23 11:16:48

On 2022-01-23 11:04:30 Kommerq said:
On 2022-01-22 18:40:03 Kourtney B said: Very interesting and valid topic.

We must all sometimes venture outside of our bubble to better understand the realities of the world outside of our minds.
Assumption is the mutha of al ....

Agreed, I think some have a one dimension mindset and a couple of light bulbs are switched off.


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