JP82 - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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24 Jun 2018
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Posted: 2022-02-05 14:16:52

On 2022-02-05 14:08:36 triton242 said:
Stupid comment right there. Of course I'm not on with drunk driving.

OK. I guess you don't understand how analogies work. So explain to me how it's different - in both cases you are making a choice that puts other people's lives at risk. In one case you say "it's OK, lots of things kill people" and in the other case you say "of course I'm against it". I hate to break it to you but if you are OK with it in the first case then it's not at all clear that you wouldn't be OK with it in the second, so just brushing it off with an "of course" like it is obvious isn't good enough.
triton242 - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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6 Dec 2019
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Posted: 2022-02-05 15:10:18

It's differs because drunk driving and covid are entirely different things, on different planets.
But yes fair enough, both do have a potential risk to others .
But are you genuinely ok , say , if you develop a serious medical issue in reaction to the vaccine, with that "all for the greater good garbage?"
Or oh well too bad? Just asking
JP82 - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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24 Jun 2018
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Posted: 2022-02-05 15:29:55

On 2022-02-05 15:10:18 triton242 said:
It's differs because drunk driving and covid are entirely different things, on different planets.
But yes fair enough, both do have a potential risk to others .
But are you genuinely ok , say , if you develop a serious medical issue in reaction to the vaccine, with that "all for the greater good garbage?"
Or oh well too bad? Just asking

Yes, that's how analogies work, they compare different things, to highlight relevant similarities, so it's just stupid to point out that they are different things - if you want to dispute the implications of the analogy you need to explain why the similarities don't hold (I'll even give you a leg up and point out that the similarities in this case are 'choice' and 'imposing significant risk on others').

Your question on the serious complications is red herring. That very question is the reason why we keep saying follow the science. *if* everyone who got the jab suddenly dropped dead like wild_one keeps suggesting is going to happen, no that would not be OK but the whole point is that *ALL* credible evidence says there is absolutely no reason (besides delusional paranoia) to think that might happen.
Johnny English
Johnny English - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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10 Dec 2018
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Posted: 2022-02-05 16:04:14

On 2022-02-05 14:08:36 triton242 said:
Stupid comment right there. Of course I'm not on with drunk driving.
Scientists are so confident that there's no accountability on anything they do. No recourse should you run into any medical complications whatsoever.
Not the vax, not their problem, and they can't help you lol

And now they coming after the babies as
Pfizer and BioNTech SE are to submit an emergency use authorization request as for vaccines for children aged 5 months to 5 years.
Johnny English
Johnny English - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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10 Dec 2018
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Posted: 2022-02-05 16:13:36
Edited: 2022-02-05 16:15:08

On 2022-02-05 06:46:23 wild_one said:
but for the rest who want to be free and live a normal life without these damn masks , time to spread the truth

Most telling part for me,
"Natural immunity is the only true immunity. Everything else is an artificial attempt to cheat nature. Nature is never cheated. If we think we can fool Mother Nature we only fooling ourselves"
[deleted] - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2022-02-05 17:38:38

On 2022-02-05 12:00:34 JP82 said:
On 2022-02-05 11:40:29 OneNightOnlyTwo said: What I don't get is why people get so wound up either way. Vaccine, no vaccine just have a drink and take it easy. Life is short can't spend it pissed off about COVID.

This is a pandemic that is LITERALLY KILLING PEOPLE, and it is being prolonged by the idiots spreading misinformation. That make it clear enough for you? Or do you just not get why people get angry about mass murderers either?

I hear you and I have lost a dear friend to Covid. It's the vitriol that I don't get. We're all angry at each other which isn't helping either side. My anger has never converted anyone into getting the vaccine. I don't know what will work in convincing people that the disease is real but I know my life is too short to spend it getting pissed off.
[deleted] - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2022-02-05 17:42:25

On 2022-02-05 12:00:34 JP82 said:
On 2022-02-05 11:40:29 OneNightOnlyTwo said: What I don't get is why people get so wound up either way. Vaccine, no vaccine just have a drink and take it easy. Life is short can't spend it pissed off about COVID.

This is a pandemic that is LITERALLY KILLING PEOPLE, and it is being prolonged by the idiots spreading misinformation. That make it clear enough for you? Or do you just not get why people get angry about mass murderers either?

PS great selection of favourites on your profile. You're a man of great taste.
Mike Hope
Mike Hope - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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15 May 2020
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Posted: 2022-02-05 17:53:44

Where's SF when you need him? I am sure he could add some humor to these dreary Covid debates.
doctorevil - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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15 Oct 2014
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Posted: 2022-02-05 21:22:58

I work with a lady, very overweight, obese at 1.55m weighing 148kg, with one lung tested positive for COVID. Spent time in hospital, followed by 2 weeks recovery at home, Back at work this week.. happy to have her back.

Another guy, not vaxxed, COVID positive and died 4 days later. Another one, no vax, positive and survived, but can no longer speak and needs a ventilator at work constantly
wild_one - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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13 Aug 2011
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Posted: 2022-02-05 21:44:13

your body your choice , my body my choice
otherwise , my gun your death , I am a free man and i march to my own drum, the rest of you can , and most of you will , go to hell


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