Fred9 - Re: Saved from a bad punt?
Re: Saved from a bad punt?
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5 Apr 2021
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Posted: 2024-04-27 21:51:38

I get what you say N4P.
But honestly, i cancel at the earliest i could. And it was not easy with wife and kids at home. No way i could call. I could much easier simply had been a "no show". Yes an hour is not great notice, but it is something, and the absolute best i could do.

A friend you have not seen in 5 years shows up from overseas. You had just gone for a walk. Under what circumstances can you now say you cannot see him?

Now i know she did not have all this info. So i get her being pissed off. But also, with her rude response, i doubt i would have a good session...
Beautiful Busty British Gabby
Beautiful Busty British Gabby - Re: Saved from a bad punt?
Re: Saved from a bad punt?
21 Jan 2020
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Posted: 2024-04-27 21:57:05
Edited: 2024-04-27 22:05:51

It's unfortunate this happen to the two ladies especially an early booking.

I personally take a deposit for such a booking non refundable if you cancel at short notice.

Hope other sp/wg read this what happen to the 2 ladies and start requesting a deposit to prevent this type of action

Beautiful Busty British Gabby
Beautiful Busty British Gabby - Re: Saved from a bad punt?
Re: Saved from a bad punt?
21 Jan 2020
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Posted: 2024-04-27 21:57:06
Edited: 2024-04-27 21:57:59

On 2024-04-27 21:51:38 Fred9 said:
I get what you say N4P.
But honestly, i cancel at the earliest i could. And it was not easy with wife and kids at home. No way i could call. I could much easier simply had been a "no show". Yes an hour is not great notice, but it is something, and the absolute best i could do.

A friend you have not seen in 5 years shows up from overseas. You had just gone for a walk. Under what circumstances can you now say you cannot see him?

Now i know she did not have all this info. So i get her being pissed off. But also, with her rude response, i doubt i would have a good session...

Like I mentioned earlier.
Such short notice from a booking made day before and a early saterday, a cancellation fee would have sorted out the problem.

I am sure the two ladies would have appreciated
Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: Saved from a bad punt?
Re: Saved from a bad punt?
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2024-04-27 22:06:26
Edited: 2024-04-27 22:06:51

Something similar happened to me not too long ago.

Unforeseen circumstances on his side. A regular.

I was taken aback and seriously pissed off. I didn't expect such from him.

Driving home feeling stupid and let down.

Out of the blue.

I did not ask nor expect...PING!

Notice of payment

FULL 90min session paid PLUS some!

"For your trouble"... was his message via whatsapp.

I was so taken aback that payment became a forward payment for our next session.

He made me feel super good and in return I wanted to thank him for his respect of my time.

I have mentioned this before and I know he has read it and I want him to read it again.

Ps. There are some seriously respectful gents out there that understand , acknowledge and honour the basics of good "customer/ service provider " relationship.

Here is a simple one....

Time keeping.

Says a lot about oneself and ones respect for others too.


Miss Red ( Aka Louise )
Miss Red ( Aka Louise ) - Re: Saved from a bad punt?
Re: Saved from a bad punt?
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2024-04-27 22:09:59


I am sympathetic of your situation. Things happen.

I am empathetic of her situation. Things happen.

But as another lady said a call would have been a better choice at that moment.

A quick walk away from ears explaining its a business call you need to do and you dont want kids noises to be heard over the call and a rescedule would have gone off better than a straight up cancelation.

The devil is in the details.

Small things make a huge difference in how people will repsond/react to something;)

Need4Passion - Re: Saved from a bad punt?
Re: Saved from a bad punt?
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8 Jan 2014
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Posted: 2024-04-27 23:43:38

On 2024-04-27 21:51:38 Fred9 said:
I get what you say N4P.
But honestly, i cancel at the earliest i could. And it was not easy with wife and kids at home. No way i could call. I could much easier simply had been a "no show". Yes an hour is not great notice, but it is something, and the absolute best i could do.

A friend you have not seen in 5 years shows up from overseas. You had just gone for a walk. Under what circumstances can you now say you cannot see him?

Now i know she did not have all this info. So i get her being pissed off. But also, with her rude response, i doubt i would have a good session...

I get it man, I get it. In the moment, it's the best you could do. All I'm saying is it is great that you did cancel but it may not be enough and I can understand their frustration so maybe don't take it so personally and let it lead to such judgement of a bad experience. You did say everything before was great. It's not to late though to follow up with another apology and a gesture. A phone call as the ladies suggest although she probably won't answer, lol.

[QUOTE;4738947;Miss Red ( Aka Louise )] ...

But as another lady said a call would have been a better choice at that moment.

A quick walk away from ears explaining its a business call you need to do and you dont want kids noises to be heard over the call and a rescedule would have gone off better than a straight up cancelation.

The devil is in the details.

Small things make a huge difference...

Miss Red, you make it sound too simple. The phone call is extreme in his scenario. For one, it's the punting phone... It must have been hard enough to get it out and send that message undetected coming from a walk with guests over already to a full house and then making an excuse to go in the car, get this phone on, message, and come back while the long lost guy is trying to tell his stories and the wife wanting to come why he's leaving the guests alone and her with all the responsibilities. Not everyone makes work calls on a Saturday morning, he more than likely doesn't if he had a punt booked and had guests over and his wife knows that better than anyone. On top of that, you know how wives can be with their husbands, they well know when shit is up, they tell by the way he's walking, where he's walking away to on a call, what fucking phone is that that he's using, and most likely, why is his face flustered and then appear in his face the moment he starts talking at the most horrific time.

It was a fuck up and they can make it right or not but at least understanding on both sides might help them decide.

Candice - Re: Saved from a bad punt?
Re: Saved from a bad punt?
25 Oct 2022
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Posted: 2024-04-28 07:53:26

Pragmatic, wise and kind. Thanks for this response!

On 2024-04-27 20:30:34 Need4Passion said:
Listen bra, I get that you had the decency to cancel "before" great!

They were very rude in response and that's not cool!

That being said, it was an hour before in a Saturday morning. I don't think anyone fancies waking up early on a Saturday morning and both of them did to accommodate your booking. The two of them probably already got ready, make-up, dresssed up, showered, shaved, maybe babysitters, venue bookings in advance, everything and likely on their way to or already at the venue when you cancelled. I would also swear you if you cancelled at 9am on a Saturday morning meeting at 10am, I ain't even kidding.

"Sorry can't make it" wasn't good enough at that time. Night before is okayish although that just meant they not waking early and preparing for it but probably wasn't booking another. Afternoon before and no guilt as it's plenty time to decide to do something else, get another customer, or sleep in or take the kids out or whatever and cancel Amy room or babysitting bookings.

With that cancellation, should have been a "I'll transfer you'll an apology fee" or "I'll pay in advance to reschedule plus a little something for today" to show you're serious and do really want to book them.

Yes, you might have valid reasons as you explained, but think from their perspective,you really were just another time waster that made a booking and cancelled at the last minute. That is the reality of what happened to them.


Miss Red ( Aka Louise )
Miss Red ( Aka Louise ) - Re: Saved from a bad punt?
Re: Saved from a bad punt?
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2024-04-28 07:54:48

On 2024-04-27 23:43:38 Need4Passion said:
On 2024-04-27 21:51:38 ..

# maybe don't take it so personally and let it lead to such judgement of a bad experience. You did say everything before was great. It's not to late though to follow up with another apology and a gesture. A phone call as the ladies suggest.....

#It was a fuck up and they can make it right or not but at least understanding on both sides might help them decide.


This above..

N4P..the crusader of/for fairplay ;)

You are very righ all aint lost if they all have a bit of understanding for the others situation.

Lets not judge each other entire life and personality by one action/reaction to a situation..;)


Minime V10.1
Minime V10.1 - Re: Saved from a bad punt?
Re: Saved from a bad punt?
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19 Jul 2018
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Posted: 2024-04-28 08:34:43
Edited: 2024-04-28 08:35:11

Maybe your friend from overseas saved you from a bad punt.

Maybe your friend from overseas stopped you from having an awesome one in a million punt.

Maybe you dont have a "friend from overseas"

Maybe you dont have friends at all.or Maybe you have tonnes of friends.

Milah - Re: Saved from a bad punt?
Re: Saved from a bad punt?
13 Aug 2023
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Posted: 2024-04-28 10:16:08
Edited: 2024-04-28 10:19:43

At least he had the decency to let them know he can't make it...
How many times do ppl actually consider the other persons efforts by a simple note to say sorry.... at the least...
Many times ppl don't even bother...
Like he said, he knows shit happens ... An hour notice either way for me is perfect, so I can available myself, and see if I can at least make up for it by getting another booking... And I only start getting ready about an hour before a booking anyways... Because the booking only happens for real, when the client walks in the door...

That said.... Maybe you could have just said I'll make it up to you by sending her/them a cancellation fee... Trust me, that will go a looooooong way, to building trust, many of my regulars, send me a small cancellation fee and that just makes me feel like I'm not just sometimes wasting my time
Nuff said.




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