Posted: 2015-10-03 22:17:28
Your kind offer is appreciated. Unfortunately I have to decline on the basis that the current Top 10 leader is taking up all of my time and unfortunately my little savings that I have left after the RAF paid out for the loss of my limbs. So I need to make sure that the amount will last as long as my remaining limbs are still operational.
The cheering up that the current leader provides is in any case so exhaustive that I can but fit in one meeting per week into my shedule, between the hospital visits, addiction recovery classes, AA meetings, etc,.
But I think we should spare a thought for QCumber, who in the spirit of being a gentlemen, came up with the second suggestion. That would theoretically put him in second place ?
But kind sir, far be it from me to take away some others carnal pleasure, and that at a reduced rate as well ?
Kindly go forth, claim your price, and please review. I for one am looking forward to a succulent review ala Honeysucker style, detailed and comprehensive. At least two pages please.