Leila B (shemale Seductress)
Leila B (shemale Seductress) - Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
24 Nov 2016
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Posted: 2024-06-06 15:45:19
Edited: 2024-06-06 15:51:47

On 2024-06-06 13:33:58 J_J said:
Please don't call me 'Master'. Just JJ. I also want to change the JJ initials, but ESA wants me to delete the account and start a new one. So I guess I will stick with it for now.

My apologies JJ, it was meant in an endearing way, no harm intended :-)

Yes, ESA does have their pesky purple rules that we Purple Peeps have to obey. As JAFAR says in ALADDIN, "you've heard of the golden rule haven't you? Whoever has the gold makes the rules."

In this case/place it's The Purple Rule - whoever owns the Purple Platform makes the rules.

I am just very grateful that I am afforded this purple platform on which I can "blog".

I <3 ESA

kingkk - Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
Gold Member
13 May 2023
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Posted: 2024-06-09 08:34:07

Many intresting things mentioned here. But why hasn't lesbism,gays get spoken off and there. Pimps are a hectic thing but weirdly as with the bad ie violence agressive attitude they also provide security and straightforwardness like no other. Unfortunately we all animals and sometimes as much as we try to control sexual urges they take over and we gotta release else we become dangerous to others. Sooner or later we all attracted to someone who literally have control of us and own us sometimes the opposite individual meant other times who knows. Thanks for all the insight Leila and sharing videos,articles.
Leila B (shemale Seductress)
Leila B (shemale Seductress) - Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
24 Nov 2016
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Posted: 2024-06-09 19:06:06
Edited: 2024-06-09 19:35:57

On 2024-06-09 08:34:07 kingkk said:
Many intresting things mentioned here.

Thanks for all the insight Leila and sharing videos,articles.

Thank You KINGKK ... I really appreciate your Positive Feedback :-)

On 2024-06-09 08:34:07 kingkk said:
But why hasn't lesbism,gays get spoken off and there.

I don't think that it's my place to talk about lesbians and gay men, as I am the "T" in LGBTQI+. I think it's wise for me to stay in my lane (see poem below).

I can't even speak on behalf of ALL transwomen, because, as I keep saying (I must be sounding like a broken record) transwomen are not a monolith. Not any group is a monolith. So I can only talk sincerely about my personal experience as someone who happens to be a transwoman (amongst many, many other things).

[QUOTE;4817686;kingkk] Pimps are a hectic thing but weirdly as with the bad ie violence agressive attitude they also provide security and straightforwardness like no other. [/QUOTE]

I am glad that you brought up the topic of pimps. We human beings can sometimes be myopic in our views (I am no exception to this).

I had negative impressions when it came to pimps. One of my friends has a pimp/boyfriend/business partner. The three of us were having coffee one afternoon and I was chatting (whinging and whining) about my job, as we working girls tend to do ... lol.

"It's the most difficult job in the world", her boyfriend interjected. I was really touched by his remark and his understanding of our profession. I realised that this man, that I had made unfair assumptions about, was much deeper and much more caring than I had given him credit for. There are good pimps and there are bad pimps. Leason Learnt.

[QUOTE;4817686;kingkk] Sooner or later we all attracted to someone who literally have control of us and own us sometimes the opposite individual meant other times who knows. [/QUOTE]

What you are describing here sounds like STOCKHOLM SYNDROME. This happens when a victim forms a psychological bond with the perpetrator.

I am fortunate enough not to have ever experienced this myself, although "truthers" say that the human species is experiencing STOCKHOLM SYNDROME en masse. We are being held hostage/kept in the dark by "them".

But, that's not one of the rabbit holes that I'll "bore" my Purple Peeps with.

"Of all the sayings in the world,
The one to see you through,
Is never trouble trouble,
Till trouble troubles you." (Author Unknown?)

Love and Peace ... xxx
Leila B (shemale Seductress)
Leila B (shemale Seductress) - Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
24 Nov 2016
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Posted: 2024-07-06 17:52:53
Edited: 2024-07-06 18:16:01


Is a girl pretty to guys ("guy pretty") or pretty to girls ("girl pretty")? It seems that there are differences in preferences between what men rate as pretty versus what women rate as pretty.

Here are some findings mentioned in the video below:

1) Men rate women with curvy bodies higher than they rate skinny girls.

Women rate skinnier girls higher.

2) The "ideal height" for girls, according to men, is 1,65m.

3) Men prefer neotenous features on women, meaning that the facial features of a girl aged 11 - 14 years is preferred (on an adult woman of course).

4) For short term romantic (sexual) relationships, men place more importance on a good body than on facial features.

5) The YouTuber talks about "facial averageness" being preferred by men when rating women. The word for this is koinophilia.

From what I understand, the brain automatically forms a composite image of all the faces that a person regularly interacts with, and this forms an "ideal face" in the mind. An "Average Face". Pretty interesting.

This is also probably why different cultures and different races have slightly different beauty preferences.

When it comes to beauty standards, they talk about "golden proportions" or "The Golden Ratio".

Dr.Stephen Marquardt developed a "facial golden mask" that measures the features on any particular face. The closer this mask fits a face, the more attractive that face is perceived to be, according to Dr. Marquardt.

So it would seem that beauty is not just simply in the eye of the beholder ...

Leila B (shemale Seductress)
Leila B (shemale Seductress) - Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
24 Nov 2016
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Posted: 2024-07-10 17:16:37


A few of my patrons have encouraged me to start blogging (on different platforms) and share my thoughts and knowledge with interested followers.

So ... Ta Da! ... Welcome to my blog :-)

This Purple Platform is The Perfect Place for me to blog, because brandstanding (as opposed to infantile grandstanding) is helpful when it comes to shameless self promotion.

Now vlogging, as in YouTube, is something that I don't think I have the balls for. Oh, wait, I do :p

I follow several trans YouTubers, and the abuse and insults that get flung at them makes even me shudder. Cowards see us trans folk as soft targets. Just too many desperately unhappy, miserable, unfulfilled life forms out there.

So, no vlogging, just yet, I'll need to grow another pair for that ;-)

Leila B (shemale Seductress)
Leila B (shemale Seductress) - Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
24 Nov 2016
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Posted: 2024-07-10 17:50:32
Edited: 2024-07-10 17:57:22


The skill/art of feminine seduction arose in response to brute strength.

What would a thread/blog about SEDUCTION, etc. be without the topic of WarPaint ... the weapon that Skilled Seductresses wield with immaculate precision.

Granted, not every seductress is equally skilled when it comes to CULTUS. This art should appear to be effortless. Here is an extract on CULTUS ...

"Cosmetics were applied in private, usually in a small room where men did not enter. Cosmetae, female slaves that adorned their mistresses, were especially praised for their skills.[6] They would beautify their mistresses with cultus, the Latin word encompassing makeup, perfume and jewelry."

Cosmetics have come a long way since the time of The Virgin Queen (Elizabeth 1) and the Geishas of old who wore a cosmetic paste, containing poisonous lead, on their faces.

Nowadays makeup has become a hybrid of cosmetic enhancement and skincare. It makes one look better instantly (if correctly applied) and cares for your skin at the same time.

Most men say that they prefer women WITHOUT any makeup, but they are unwitting when it comes to spotting whether a face has been made up naturally ("no makeup makeup look"). When womens' faces are viewed (in studies) completely barefaced, they are rated significantly lower than faces adorned with the natural or "no makeup makeup look". Most men don't like heavy/dramatic makeup looks.

Here is a video demonstrating how oblivious men are to the art of subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) cosmetic enhancement ...
kingkk - Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
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13 May 2023
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Posted: 2024-07-12 07:26:15

Thank you for all the insightful information and blogging Leila. You always have so much intresting awesome information to share. Much appreciated and hopefully youlle keep that coming for many a year.
Leila B (shemale Seductress)
Leila B (shemale Seductress) - Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
24 Nov 2016
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Posted: 2024-07-12 12:14:53

On 2024-07-12 07:26:15 kingkk said:
Thank you for all the insightful information and blogging Leila. You always have so much intresting awesome information to share. Much appreciated and hopefully youlle keep that coming for many a year.

Thank You KINGKK :-)

I promise to post more frequently. I will include all kinds of interesting topics, because this space, and the people who enjoy it, is so diverse ... and so intriguing :-)

Leila B (shemale Seductress)
Leila B (shemale Seductress) - Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
24 Nov 2016
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Posted: 2024-07-15 18:21:06
Edited: 2024-07-15 18:34:21


I have a client who believes, "if it flies, floats or f*cks - hire it." ... lol


I have to disagree with Dr.ORIAN TARABAN about all relationships between adult entertainers and clients always not working out. I do know of a few successful partnerships.

It's a case of, "no news is good news." You usually only hear about the "failed" pairings. The successful pairs just get on with their lives quietly.
J_J - Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
Re: ***SEDUCTION*** (and miscellaneous musings)
Basic Member
1 Jan 2023
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Posted: 2024-07-15 21:31:00

Relationships in general, don't work out ... but some, no matter what the background, just do ...


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