Posted: 2024-07-07 16:33:36
Edited: 2024-07-07 16:35:07
It literally is that easy and it's fucking amazing - no bullshit calling and booking, and praying and hoping you get who you saw on the ad because you just meet them all in person before you even decide who you wanna take back to your room. There aren't really any specialised booking agents. You just book a flight and your hotel as per usual. In Thailand, mainly Phuket, Bangkok, and Pattaya, the redlight districts are lined with beer bars, strip clubs, gogo bars, soapy massage parlours and regular night clubs.
In the gogo bars and beer bars they have girls who are there to drink with you and socialise but you can also pay a "bar fine" to take her out of the bar (and back to your room or wherever). After that, she's yours for however long you pay for. It's typically ~3000-5000 Bhat for a whole night. The girls at these establishments are employed there and receive money for getting you either to spend on drinks or a bar fine. What's nice is these girls are more trustworthy and go for regular medical check ups since it is covered by their employers. There are also freelance girls in these areas and the nightclubs but it's may be more risky since they are free agents.
How it works is you rock up to a bar that has nice looking chicks (they will literally be standing outside the bar in sexy outfits trying to get your attention), sit down with a girl you like, order a drink for yourself and start chatting. You can get a feel for the girls before you bar fine them and take them back to your room/ out for the evening which is great because you can see if you've got a connection before you spend any real money. You don't even have to buy her a drink right away but it is nice to do so (eventually) as it helps out the bar and boosts her rep there.
Idk if I can post links but the bars usually post on twitter/instagram. You can see the girls that work there and everything. Just search "pattaya walking street" on twitter/instagram/youtube and you'll see.
You can also check out the website "Thailand Redcat" for a way more detailed breakdown on every redlight district in Thailand and around SEA