On 2017-02-04 20:55:46 Mike23 said:
This is a common occurrence. Late night stop and harassment by police even if people haven't been drinking. Usually the threat of throwing you in the back of a van full of barbarians for some trumped up charge is enough to extract a nice bribe from anyone.
Only in South Africa do the average law abiding citizen fear their own police force. Guess we are becoming more and more just like the rest of Africa.
On 2017-02-04 23:03:59 Yoni said:
@minime007 your mistake was to give them the "what the fuck you looking at" look.
You don't question a civil servants authority. You appeal to it. The fact is that these guys do have the authority to pull you over. Don't argue and be difficult with them because they can make your life hell.
Be polite and say "yes sir" "no sir"
And if you have been drinking, suck it up and pay the bribe.
On 2017-02-04 23:03:59 Yoni said:
@minime007 your mistake was to give them the "what the fuck you looking at" look.
You don't question a civil servants authority. You appeal to it. The fact is that these guys do have the authority to pull you over. Don't argue and be difficult with them because they can make your life hell.
Be polite and say "yes sir" "no sir"
And if you have been drinking, suck it up and pay the bribe.
On 2017-02-04 23:03:59 Yoni said:
@minime007 your mistake was to give them the "what the fuck you looking at" look.
You don't question a civil servants authority. You appeal to it. The fact is that these guys do have the authority to pull you over. Don't argue and be difficult with them because they can make your life hell.
Be polite and say "yes sir" "no sir"
And if you have been drinking, suck it up and pay the bribe.