On 2017-04-11 13:27:22 lookingforfun29 said:
My piece of advice would be to attend a social next time they have one. I am not a regular punter myself, and was quite worried about how I would be at the social, but trust me, it's a great oppurtunity to meet some of the ladies, and if you go alone, one may very well hook onto you and who knows what may happen.
We all have our doubts & insecurities about ourselves as do the ladies aswell. Best to have a shit,shave & shampoo before you go and 'wing it'
On 2017-04-11 14:01:51 Meg said:
You haven't got anything to worry about. You really attractive.
On 2017-04-11 19:58:21 dirk1977 said:
Just amazing how supporting this community is, even if we're not commonly accepted by civilisation, the minority is not necessarily wrong, just not always socially correct
On 2017-04-12 06:44:29 Loco said:
Rules are for wise men to guide them and fools to obey , socially acceptable is a farse and why care what society deems right or not let your morals guide you in life from right and wrong and if you have a addictive personality and your punting habits become an issue in your personal life that is something only the player will have to handle and live with !! But being single does unfuck allot of issues but it brings its own issues to the table also ! 6 of the one half dozen of the other ...... Play and have fun eventually you realize your chasing an unquenchable desire and dissapointments are more than highs !!
On 2017-04-12 07:23:42 dirk1977 said:
Your completely right in saying everyone makes their own decisions, and have to live with it.
It all depends what your moral code is, that you live live by, the way you treat others, and how you are perceived by others.
Meg, I really appreciate the girls, in some cases, more than woman I've know my whole life! It's the experiences troughout life that shapes character.
What i was trying to say in that this forum place where likewise individuals could express themselfs, without judgement.