Posted: 2017-05-22 19:32:26
Edited: 2017-05-22 20:04:03
This is a very interesting topic, and one which I have discussed at length with a number of people. I am of the opinion that there is a shelf life attached to being in the industry. Yes there are exceptions to this "rule", but then there are exceptions in all walks of life.
One of the reasons why this line of work is such a lure is that there is money immediately on your table. No need to wait for monthend to be paid. And you are your own boss, you make your own decisions. Yes some girls work at establishments, but the time issue is flexible, much more so than in a formal job.
The second reason is the quantum of income that you earn here as oppose to the formal job sector. There you will start off with a relatively modest salary, and through dedication and hard work the salary will go up theoretically, until at the end of your financial life you will be earning a fairly decent salary, with the usual perks of medical aid and pension funds thrown in.
The reverse is true in this industry, with the younger girls earning more, and as the years take their inevitable toll, the earning capacity will diminish, finally grinding to a halt. What then ?
Some ladies will tell their family and friends what they are doing for a living, but I want to bet that a large percentage will not disclose this. Being in this industry attracts a stigma, right or wrong, and maybe some shame thrown in as well. And turning around and telling mommy and daddy that their little daughter is not really working for Company A, but she is God forbid, a working girl.
I have this annoying habit of preaching to the ladies that I really think is not suited to this world. I see the worth in them and try and encourage them to be more than what they can be. I am not always successful, but one can but try.
That is why I am very happy that there are ladies that want to return to the formal working sector. I wasn't always sure that it was a priority for some, but I am really happy in my heart of hearts that there is a need for this. And what is equally great is the feedback that some guys are offering work. It shows that there is a lot of good in this world of us.
The transition from being a high earner to a fairly mediocre salary is a difficult transition, but with enough courage to take that first step and seeing it through, one can turn around and walk tall in society again. Stronger I believe, because you have seen the dark side.
I will always encourage ladies to try new things, concentrate on their hobbies and ambitions, with a view to leaving this world permanently. For I believe that this job is soul destrying, and that the longer you are in this world, the less soul you will have left to live the rest of your productive life.
See this as stepping stone, a very short journey into this dark side, with the ultimate aim of leaving this world and be the best that you can be. For I know that you can be the best. Just start believing it yourself.
This world is rife with the fucknuts of society (and I am putting myself there as well) , and mixing with them is not always the best thing. Stay strong, and when the opportunity to leave arrives, grab it with both hands.