On 2018-06-05 21:53:58 Fishbowl said:
I started visiting asian ladies im saving r300 a week..lol
On 2018-06-06 10:01:17 Willy777 said:
1. Keep a money tin at home. Every day you get home from wherever, empty your pockets of loose change. When the tin is full cash it in and pay off debt or school fees for a month etc.
2. Open a seperate savings account which you can access on internet banking. Each day at the same time transfer any amount that is less than an even R100 (eg R2343 balance, transfer R43) to the savings account. Use this for emergencies or to supplement income or pay debts.
3. Punt regularly with the above savings if you can. Psychologists charge way more than the therapy you get from an amazing WG or MG. ;)
On 2018-06-06 10:01:17 Willy777 said:
2. Open a seperate savings account which you can access on internet banking. Each day at the same time transfer any amount that is less than an even R100 (eg R2343 balance, transfer R43) to the savings account. Use this for emergencies or to supplement income or pay debts.