On 2017-10-29 18:08:58 Donamite22 said:
Also new here. Scared as fuck. Haven't taken the plunge yet.keep thinking of the risks involved. Lol
My suggestion is start with a massage lady. You can ease into it....
Sorry lost my train of thought..
But yeah. Start off with a massage because you'll have some time to just talk and get to know her slightly. If you change your mind you can always thank her and leave, no harm, no foul.
I'd avoid a venue at the get go as it can be a bit overwhelming.
Always be polite. Always.
Be sure to shower beforehand and all that so you feel good about yourself.
Find someone who has reviews here ahead of time and read them. Smile. Offer the money yourself at the start to avoid the awkwardness :)
Also, be honest. Tell her it's your first time punting. If she is serious about service (which the reviews will tell you) then she will put you at ease.
If you want to take something with you for her, take flowers rather than eats.