On 2017-09-22 05:48:53 robbycolonel said:
We all know the drill. We all know how hard it is to get out of this world once in it.
I make it a point to push myself not to give in every now and then. I can gladly say that I count months since I last punted (it did help that my last encounter was quite underwhelming).
I decided to take it a step up and also take a break from browsing ESA. I lasted all of 4 days.
I think I'm starting to understand what my real addiction is.
On 2017-09-23 09:47:52 Need4Passion said:
Also thought if quitting. I tried and had a few 1 week punt-free sessions in between.
The latest endeavour was to buy something very expensive over lomg term finance so I won't have so much surplus to sustain this but alas, instead of cutting back, I just optimised my spending elsewhere and seem to be punting more, nearly daily now. It really is a serious addiction.
A day that I wank off and don't punt is an accomplishment for me now and I can only remember once in the last few weeks.
On 2017-09-26 11:57:51 iknow said:
Its easy to get in but not easy to get out..in true honesty this industry is not what it used to be. To find good girls not s easy. The good old days. Have being punting for 5 years. Don't punt that much anymore,due to lack of good girls.