On 2017-09-08 11:51:38 Victoria said:
name and shame under punter warnings darl so the rest of us are suitably warned.....
On 2017-09-08 14:59:16 Fourphuxaches said:
How bad must it be if a man decides to resort to credit and begging for some tunapie....
I am sorry but I cannot understand this...
On 2017-09-07 22:13:28 Candy said:
Some clients are just wrong. I'm not the kind to complain or be rude but other just know how to push your patterns. The first you book a lady you don't have a problem with her rates and you book her few times more, things are great. After a few visits you book her and tell her that you don't have enough money so she understands, you book her again and still don't have enough money and today you call asking for a free 2 hour service promising to pay her on weekend. This is really unreasonable