On 2017-08-16 15:18:59 BOOBS53 said:
Different strokes for different blokes perhaps ??? But in any person there are something beautiful ... rather promote that positive thing than be critical about a small thing !!!
On 2017-08-16 15:29:35 I never learn said:
"(Mini high five the Knight for "sturdy women" preference"
And as I just said, there are more than just GKL that MIGHT like the bigger ladies ?
Director jumped out of the closet to join GK !!!!
On a seperate note, since speaking of the slightly sturdier women, I am beginning to feel the craving for :
On 2017-08-16 14:12:25 Mynx said:
Sadly, a lot of punters will jump to the conclusion that the lady was sincerely ugly and/or that her body was full of scars/sagging/unsatisfactory in a 1000 ways. I would rather receive a 2/5 than no rating at all. #just my opinion. Kisses, Mynx