On 2017-08-10 19:25:20 yewrev said:
Assumptions is the mother of all fuck ups. To assume she does fh or even bareback fh is totally wrong
On 2017-08-10 21:01:31 Syren @ The Doll House said:
Fair enough Fred8, but still, why ask a MG for FH? And why even pose the bareback question at all if you had no intention of carrying through the request.
I understand you have health concerns and safety concerns, but then stick to what's known. Use protection, visit WG for FH and MG for massages. Don't blur the lines and cause uncomfortable situations not only for yourself, but also for the ladies involved.
On 2017-08-10 19:27:16 Stormpie @ Sense-unique said:
@Fred8... honestly that is really scary especially in this industry... I wouldn't even have sex with a boyfriend ever again bareback (if I ever fall for the infatuation of love blah blah etc).. and that upsets me as I had a incident a few weeks back where a guy pushed my boundaries so much that I snapped and asked him to leave and called Gita. It is unfair to us girls that stick to massaging because it makes gents think its okay to try and push for FH... if a MG wants to offer FH she should then convert to WG.. I never understood the big deal behind all of this until I went thru what I went thru in the last few months and then have someone push you in a corner and disrespect all you do not allow!!! This is just my honest opinion and I really think its playing with fire sir.
On 2017-08-10 19:21:57 69OnMyMind said:
Yeah, off course. Its the same as visiting a girl who doesn't offer bareback to punters. She will still not use a condom with her boyfriend, lover or husband - who may, in turn - be barebacking any number of women or men. I'll use a condom anyway.