On 2017-06-08 16:44:06 Golo15 said:
Thank you Ms VF for your wise words,to some it sounds ridiculous and as easy as 123 to quit but it's really not!The last 2 girls I dated (in a year and wasn't/stopped punting during that time),the 1st complained about me giving her too much gifts so it ended up being a source of problems(again some will say just stop giving!unfortunately for me I don't know how to do that),then the second complained about me being too quiet(I don't talk much) so since then I've decided to put an hold to the relationship thing but I do want a kid tho(a little girl lol) but don't seem to find the right person so I'm thinking of surrogacy(crazy I know).
But yeah you're quite right and yes I'm already feeling the emptiness hence why my struggle.
I really wish I could come talk with you coz I do follow you and could say I'm almost always inspired by your words but the anonymity thing...
On 2017-06-08 23:37:16 Golo15 said:
Thank you all for your kind words and advices,I really wasn't expecting this.
@Ms VF I'm one person who really really doesn't like being on the spotlight and like I said I never feel comfortable talking about myself or my life hence why I posted here coz it guarantees me that anonymity,no one have an idea of who this is,plus since my first week in SA(been here for quite a while now) I saw on the news a kid who was kidnapped and the kidnappers were asking for R1000 to bring the kid back,that gave me an idea of what SA is,I know people get in trouble for far less than this,so after posting something like this one need to be very careful.
But there is always an exception to the rule,your reputation precedes you,I'll pm you.