Posted: 2015-09-27 23:03:05
Maverick, it is the same Princess.
And yes, told her exactly my feelings. Not reciprocated.
And she left.
So, to put this into perspective, I was a really bad option for her. She decided to re-enter this twilight world instead of my world. My self image destroyed, stil looking for it.
By becoming a cold and cynical person, I put up walls between me and everyone else. Burying myself in work, occasionally venturing out for some release.
But the call was unexpected, the reaction unpredicted. The walls not strong enough. Nothing really said other than checking on my health. But just the sound of her voice.
There is no fool like an old fool.
Quote : Peter Buck
Signing contracts tomorrow to further increase my workload to minimise free time, for once the mind is free from work, invariably it wonders back. Exercise, work, sleep, the occasional visit, life has become a journey of survival.
Luckily went past the fourth stage, which is depression, and straight on to acceptance. Just did not expect the call. That was a curveball. Not knowing what to do. Uncertainty is always the worst thing. Knowing something for a fact, you can work with that. Will she phone again, meet for coffee, see that movie ?
Need to close this box and move along. Monday tomorrow. Hitting the ground running. No time for pondering.
Lightning crashes.