Gerhard - Re: like Shagging a granny
Re: like Shagging a granny
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2 Apr 2004
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:37

Los die laaities uit en kom ons praat oor dit wat saak maak, BLOU BUL RUGBY soos jy sê jy is mos 'n Blou Bul. Wil net vir jou sê dat ek ook op n tyd so vol bravade was en toe donder 'n klein springbok karate knaap my, so pasop die outjies plaas jou dalk in intensief, maar dit gaan mos nie hier oor om mekaar te beledig nie dit gaan om liewer vir mekaar te sê waar en wat ons kan aanbeveel, moet sê gaan kyk na Pamela onder Escort by E/Rand en sy is nie meer jonk nie maar perform.
[deleted] - Re: like Shagging a granny
Re: like Shagging a granny
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:37

Kom nou manne los die kinders en konsentreer op die belangrike onderwerp, die great girls waarvan Blue beslis top of the pops is !!!!
Johan200 - Re: like Shagging a granny
Re: like Shagging a granny
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8 Nov 2004
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:37

Ek stem saam Dewald.

Gerhard, never mind Pamula, 'n paar jaar gelede het ek by 'n 48 jarige poppie gekuier in Morningside, sy het van Saint Michelle complex gewerk, as ek reg onthou, haar naam was Monique. in 2001 was R650 vir 'n poppie baie geld, maar boetie, hierdie ouer dame het my vir 'n uur en 'n half gespyker, elke posisie, amper sterretjies begin sien. ek het meer as een keer gekom, en sy was mal oor 69 en sonder kondoom BJ wat skrik vir niks. vir 48 jarige was sy nogal goed gebou en aantreklik.

Ek het g'n idee wat het van haar geword nie. Ek het nog 'n ou sim met die nommer, maar "does not exist".......... eendag hoop ek om daai ad weer in die Star koerant te sien " Monique, ex porn star"......
Muffdiver - Re: like Shagging a granny
Re: like Shagging a granny
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13 May 2002
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:37

Dwayne = Sheldon = Wessel. same idiot, different names? Same kak writing gave the game away! Don't know who you trying to impress... maybe Muffdiver??

Congratulations Johan200! I am very pleased that you recognise that I am worth impressing. I must say, however, that I am not too impressed with the way in which you mutilate the Afrikaans language. My use of Afrikaans was better when I was in sub A. YSS
Katie - Re: like Shagging a granny
Re: like Shagging a granny
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16 Nov 2005
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:37

Johan you should try Brook she is one hell of a shag and much more as for Blue I've never met her but believe from most of the guys that she is shaggadilic not my words but one of my lovers
johan200 - Re: like Shagging a granny
Re: like Shagging a granny
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8 Nov 2004
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:37

praat afrikaans of hou jou bek mufdiver
Muffdiver - Re: like Shagging a granny
Re: like Shagging a granny
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13 May 2002
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:37

As ek hier in Afrikaans skryf dan sal mense sien hoe sleg jou Afrikaans is johan200.
[deleted] - Re: like Shagging a granny
Re: like Shagging a granny
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:37

Katie and Brooke used to work together in Craighall Park, reckon they taught each other the incredible deep anal they both do...
May not be the warmest chicks around, but for one up the nought... who cares?
johan200 - Re: like Shagging a granny
Re: like Shagging a granny
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8 Nov 2004
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:37

Hakuna Matata
Hakuna Matata - Re: like Shagging a granny
Re: like Shagging a granny
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19 Dec 2002
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:38

If my granny shagged like Blue, I'd be digging her up as we speak...



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