andrew007 - Re: Review: Laila
Re: Review: Laila
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10 Mar 2010
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Posted: 2011-01-09 15:57:54
Edited: 2011-01-09 15:59:56

Maybe the advertiser pulled the comment section because punters find it difficult to stay objective when doing a review or placing comments!!
Giving Laila a 3 outa 10 overall !?? At least have the balls to break it down : ....
If the general 3 part breakdown is applied that means to score a 3, then in one area she had to score a 2 or less?? Wonder if that was for looks & presentability???? LMAO
U had an indian wg fetish, u got fucked, it wasnt half bad...giv her de credit she deserves u egotistical moron.
jsnake - Re: Review: Laila
Re: Review: Laila
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29 Aug 2010
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Posted: 2011-01-09 16:34:30
Edited: 2011-01-09 16:36:27

Andrew - your arguments are compelling (LMAO, HAHAHAHAH, you moron etc.), however you seem to have some kind of agenda. On another thread which I started about Indian WG's you said Laila was the only and best way to go. So it's one thing to argue that a guys subjective opinion is ludicrous (wait, no it's not - it frickin ridiculous and could only be motivated by someone with some sort of agenda), but it's another thing altogether to publicly state how amazing she is (with absolutely no details other than a link to her profile) when EVERYONE is stating the exact opposite. Hmmmmm...
Oh, and regarding her comments being switched off - Occum's Razor my friend...

(edited for the purpose of adding a sorta critical 'no' in one of the thoughts above)
Nomadsoul - Re: Review: Laila
Re: Review: Laila
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1 Nov 2010
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Posted: 2011-01-09 19:51:47
Edited: 2011-01-24 18:57:29

Post removed
aerobix - Re: Review: Laila
Re: Review: Laila
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13 Sep 2007
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Posted: 2011-01-09 20:39:10


Superspy and jsnake are absolutely correct!

Your retort smacks of 'taking it personally'...superspy simply related his feelings and opinions of the booking, and I think the overriding impression which came through was that this girl is one of those that thinks that , because she is hot, she doesn't actually need to provide service!

This impression is entirely supported by comments by 'Sexykate', on the other thread, and by yourself here! Apparently the punter should just be damn grateful that such a beauty queen deigns to allow him into her bed....WTF?

There are a number of negative comments about this lady, but apparently you think that her poor service is excused because she is Indian?

If you gonna criticise another person's objectivity, you better not be calling the pot black!

Oh, and by the way....

Comments disabled?
Regular change of name?

Not good signs at all!
[deleted] - Re: Review: Laila
Re: Review: Laila
Less than 100 posts
Posted: 2011-01-09 22:21:12
Edited: 2011-01-09 22:23:40


Once again your have failed to see the point if this forum and I'm starting to think that you my friend are just not gonna get it.

Two things. Firstly you talk about objectivity. Personal opinions (like mine) are subjective being based on personal experiences and preferences so your expectation of an objective review is ludicrous. In fact for a review to be honest and real it should be subjective.

Secondly, let me reiterate my point. IT IS MY OPINION THAT LAILA, ALEXIS OR WHATEVER ELSE SHE CALLS HERSELF IS A LAZY CRAPPY HALF HEARTED SHAG. Deal with dude. In fact how about you give us a review.

andrew007 - Re: Review: Laila
Re: Review: Laila
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10 Mar 2010
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Posted: 2011-01-10 10:46:31
Edited: 2011-01-10 11:02:12

Admit it ! This was not a service issue but rather a personal attack on this girl! I mean u use words such as utter waste, wtf, just all round disrespectfull remarks intertwined in ur substandard review (aerobix now that was my subjective view!) To me it even lackes credibility!?

Look before i state the obvious so conveniently missed by some seasoned respondents, i wanna say my mission stays to get Superspy to admit his 3/10 rating was too low and a proper breakdown to match.
Question is what is Bad service!?? and how much of that overlaps with a wgs inherent demeanor let alone her prev training!
Anyway, lets roll:
Suspicion 1 : On the 2011-01-05 u start a thread saying how u considering booking an Indian wg Laila included...
and on the 2011-01-07 u end up doing a review on her AND in ur opening line stating /{of the utter waste of time I did a while back}/ ... now, how long is your ' a while back' ??? last nite? this morning?!
Lets move on to 'evidence' (Lol) supporting my 'newbie' stamp on Superspy and why personally i have credibility suspicions!

{[offers a massage. I oblige, seeing that she was superhot and that I did in fact book for an hour!}]

U had to oblige SS becos a short massage is standard practice. U should know as a seasoned FH punter that a hour is sufficient time.
Ironic that u complain of a limp dick l8r when actually u accepted the massage based on her hot looks (the same hot looks that gave u de boner earlier)!? and the assuarance of enough time on top of that.

So now what happened next that caused the capitulation of ur experience...well, some cold lotion on ur baby soft oversensitive skin. Unless it was taken from a fridge, i hate to say it but the lotion was room temperature! Learn to communicate a bit too its reciprical!(The warming of lotion in hands before-hand is a training issue (take it up with Sirens themselves!)Rather than making it a central focus of ur review!
At this point u admit to getting carried away so much so that u engaged in nipple biting to which she reacted negatively. Were U one of that difficult customers SuperSpy, pushing the limits, breaking the ground rules- u know the client wgs loath of getting especially after a long day at work. U would not be the first punter not totally clicking with a Wg and looking for reasons afterwards! Hehehe weve all had that! Expecting a Full House Wg to b a massage specialist , in the 550rand range!?

When a punter phones the agency before hand and states that he actually does endorse sum entrepreneurship... i can just laugh! Sceptical punters like u are just hard to please in general.Why if u were so set on service u never asked ur beloved agancy Sirens as to how qualified their working girls are before-hand !?? especially if sumthing so fickle as 'cold' lotion ruins total experiences for you?
As to why u never clicked with Laila...[{banging her hard'}couldnt get u favoured and i suppose ur nipple biting tactict backfired on u, and ur boring ass questions on whether she enjoys the job was a turnoff too and she found it hard to hide plus u admitted to getting carried away!

Do ur homework then before u punt since u had plenty reviews on Laila to go on before u booked her. And name all ur criteria when suggestions is asked on the forum. Read sum of the other reviews and see how they did an Overall Rating!and go do urs properly since its only fair to all here.
And why do u sign all ur comments off???
andrew007 - Re: Review: Laila
Re: Review: Laila
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10 Mar 2010
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Posted: 2011-01-10 11:28:59
Edited: 2011-01-10 11:48:57

@ Nomadsoul
I support the questioning of Service offered by Advertisers on this site fully but object to categorizing of these Wgs incorrectly! Making a general statement that she is 'deceiptful' should not be even allowed! Superspy got everything he wanted and from what i see the transaction was more than fair!
If u wanna see deceiptful wgs and scammers then i strongly suggest u go search through the archives and u will soon agree that this experience could not even border on deceiptfullness! As for ur comment [{All she needs to do is be upfront and honest about what she offers, rather than allude to offering something more - only to disappoint you when you arrive.}]
Working girls market themselves vigourously as any other profession and every wg believes that what she offers is good! Only the Agency knows to what extent the WG is qualified and like SuperSpy u cannot expect a working girl to 'set the groundrules' beforehand on issues such as nipple biting, hard banging! I mean how many times have we had punters complain about how working girls use time during a booking to explain do's & dont's before-hand and what a turn-off it was!?

No it isnt ridicilous since i have credibility issues with SuperSpy's 'subjective' opinion!

Ironic that it now takes only one punter to post a good review on her which will then leave us in a bit of a conundrum.... who do we believe???
Do we fall back on the Rating System?? because despite the efforts of sum users to maintain the credibility of this rating system and the effectiveness of it...i gringe to think what Superspy would hav rated Laila on a scale of 1-5?? Which proves my point!
ladysguy - Re: Review: Laila
Re: Review: Laila
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14 Jul 2010
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Posted: 2011-01-10 12:22:28

guys i spoke to her just know.give her a chance she sounds so so new to this and by the way shes very friendly so i think that il take the plunge and let me decide 4 my self will keep u guys updated as she is hot as hell
Game - Re: Review: Laila
Re: Review: Laila
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29 Aug 2007
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Posted: 2011-01-10 13:00:09

I did a review on this lady too, posting from my mobile so cant post the link. Was one of my worst punts of 2010, no ever! Venue was good, although I dont like a house where more than 1 wg works from. Looks 8/10, slightly better in the pics, but still good looking. Attitude 0/10, was arrogant enough to admit me she wants me to cum in 5 minutes. BJ, cant even remember. Sex 2/10, she was a cold fish and doesnt go on top. Overall 3/10.
Game - Re: Review: Laila
Re: Review: Laila
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29 Aug 2007
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Posted: 2011-01-10 13:00:58
Edited: 2011-01-10 13:38:22

Sorry, double post.


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