Need4Passion - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
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8 Jan 2014
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Posted: 2021-05-18 09:24:15

I'm sure Miss Red said yesterday that you can block someone from your inbox.

I also remember JA and KL giving me grief. I casually just ignored the comments when I saw their names and read and responded to others. Then, I assume they either went quiet or argued with themselves but it's not my business.

Lastly, I have to say, it looks like you're enjoying that debate genre didn't just block his ass.

Nothing wrong with that, I do too sometimes until I get bored and then just ignore but I usually close off on a high when they make themselves like a fool and retort with personal insults and no substance.

Anyway, hope you guys hookup. That sexual energy must be off the charts.
Melina - The Edging Expert
Melina - The Edging Expert - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
21 May 2014
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Posted: 2021-05-18 09:36:57

On 2021-05-18 09:05:56 KICKASS said:
Well well it's hard to just ignore ppl like this because they feel they can do as they please. Sometimes u need to stand up let them know u not afraid of them so well done love u do what u need to.

Kick we know you and your old crew like to add fire to the fuel. This lady says she lost business because of this. In which case she should have ignored if it's affecting her income.

The reality of it all is that keyboard bullies have been on this forum since way before my time and will still be around for a long long time to come. Majority of us ladies have been subjected to bullying on this forum in the past. This forum is not for the faint hearted we had to learn to grow thick skin and hair on our teeth.

At the end of the day you know as well as I do that majority of us just babble here on the forum.

I have a reputation for being full of shit and maybe I am maybe not but at the end of the day of people don't take the time to get to know me they will never know if I am really full of shit or not.

Point being is those who don't take the time to know me mean absolutely nothing to me so their opinions of me are irrelevant as it is just their opinion of me.

I will never loose sleep or money because of some chop who doesn't know my worth.

I can name a number of current active sps including myself who have been bullied by keyboard bullies and we can all say the same today it's you tomorrow it's the next Lady it's unfortunately a part of this world we choose to engage in.

The man clearly has absolutely no intention of booking you why waist your time with it.

Most successful ladies here would say ignore and move on, or block and move on I like to say smile and wave ;)

The decision is yours to you want to feed the monkeys or feed your pocket.

Are you here to make money or entertain these morons that will never fill your pocket.

For me it's a no brained, Money Talks and bullshit walks its as simple as that.
oraljim - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
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3 Sep 2013
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Posted: 2021-05-18 09:47:58

On 2021-05-18 09:05:56 KICKASS said:
Well well it's hard to just ignore ppl like this because they feel they can do as they please.

To be perfectly honest what they feel is completely irrelevant. Nobody can control that. The only thing we can each control is our own actions and ignoring idiots like this is truly the only thing that makes sense. This idiot has garnered more than enough attention from Lesley and the rest of us. Lets stop feeding the trolls its what they are after.
ESA Forum Admin
ESA Forum Admin - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
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27 May 2011
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Posted: 2021-05-18 09:50:02

Dear Ladies and Gentleman

Please note that Lesley has been ban from the forum.


Esa Admin
oraljim - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
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3 Sep 2013
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Posted: 2021-05-18 09:50:31

On 2021-05-18 09:36:57 Melina - The Edging Expert said:
Point being is those who don't take the time to know me mean absolutely nothing to me so their opinions of me are irrelevant as it is just their opinion of me.

THIS!!!!! Read it 1000 times ladies its the best attitude on this or any other forum where you don't actually know the people.
Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2021-05-18 10:19:50

When people start arguing each other and stop arguing the issue , this is the result.;(

The one that starts getting personal is a weak fool and the one that continues to argue with such a weak fool is a dumb fool.

No winner in the end.

eziguy - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
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10 Jan 2008
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Posted: 2021-05-18 10:21:44

I can't say that I didn't see a banning coming, been there done that.

ESA Forum Admin
ESA Forum Admin - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
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27 May 2011
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Posted: 2021-05-18 12:58:40

Dear Ladies and Gentleman

Please note that Need4Passion has been ban from the forum for freeloading.


Esa Admin
StaalBurger48 - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
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29 Sep 2017
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Posted: 2021-05-18 13:29:02

Bullying in any way shape or form is never OK, and as far as I'm concerned we can never be too vocal about it, especially on a platform like this where we as punters and SPs are at times at our most vulnerable in the company of the members here.
Melina - The Edging Expert
Melina - The Edging Expert - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
21 May 2014
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Posted: 2021-05-18 13:55:13

On 2021-05-18 09:47:58 oraljim said:
On 2021-05-18 09:05:56 KICKASS said: Well well it's hard to just ignore ppl like this because they feel they can do as they please.
To be perfectly honest what they feel is completely irrelevant. Nobody can control that. The only thing we can each control is our own actions and ignoring idiots like this is truly the only thing that makes sense. This idiot has garnered more than enough attention from Lesley and the rest of us. Lets stop feeding the trolls its what they are after.

I have to agree.
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