Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: What is happening to the forum?
Re: What is happening to the forum?
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2021-12-13 22:33:39
Edited: 2021-12-13 22:35:48

aaaaah Ms Red ...this is a piece i wrote in 2016...seems nothing has changed, nor ever will.

We are humans after all :))...x


Words mightier than the sword

Is the word mightier than the sword. Does mowing one down in a field of battle physical and fatal carry greater returns and rewards and long-term sustainable results and solutions? or does battle physical and fatal create deeper rifts, divides so vast that time itself finds difficult to mend.

Does a word understanding, a problem debated, a setting of the road forward, an alliance agreed upon and signed and honoured carry any meaning in an era defined by violent bomb blasts, shootings, governments initiating war under the guise of toppling dictators, carry any weight?

Are we so far gone that the value of ones word means nothing, that 'Honour thy neighbour' is a line one does not understand anymore, that 'Thou shall not kill' means what, that being human means living in a state of fear for even our governments care not to promote harmony among their citizens but are on a path destructive to the existence of humanity itself.
Even sadder is the behaviour we are all privy to on a daily basis....the gurgling anger, that impatient treating of another not the same as ourselves, the giving in to propaganda spewed by news channels...our resorting to bullying tactics merely for the sake of making anothers life vile we have become in our actions and thought. How sad we have become in our existence allowing our lives to be perforated by that which we know not to be good.....hesitant in showing mercy or understanding or support of another or situation that makes us feel uncomfortable.

And thus....have you smiled at a stranger today? Have you greeted another even if you may not know them? Have you stopped to help in a situation where you know your assistance can make a small difference....have you taken a breather and reminded yourself how precious you are, as is everybody else...and just said ....."Damn! i do love life itself!
Live. Be. And say ....Thank You.

I believe...the word is mightier than the sword and is our guarantee to a better is time we invest in speech wise, in communication open.


Wcliff - Re: What is happening to the forum?
Re: What is happening to the forum?
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18 Jul 2019
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Posted: 2021-12-14 00:56:57
Edited: 2021-12-14 00:57:30

RB's wordsmith skills have set the scene extremely well and provided a possible remedy.

IMO I think that the viciousness we are seeing on the forum is unfortunately an indicator of our current situation. There is so much tension, pressure, unhappiness, mistrust, bad behaviour .... and so it goes on. The result is that people are bitter and twisted and finding various opportunities to release their inner tensions. Unfortunately the forum is a good place for some, particularly because of the anonymity.

It is not easy out there at the moment for anyone and everyone. But that is not an excuse to be rude and abusive towards each other and become 'cyber bullies'!

Let's try and look on the bright side of life, support each other and look for opportunities to build new attitudes and feelings that are more positive, fun and exciting.


BigBen4Fun - Re: What is happening to the forum?
Re: What is happening to the forum?
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17 Aug 2007
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Posted: 2021-12-14 06:13:51

@Miss RB you have such skill to articulate your point. Your positive attitude is an example of how one should respond to forum posts.
Times sure have changed... TBC
Vrik - Re: What is happening to the forum?
Re: What is happening to the forum?
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10 Feb 2019
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Posted: 2021-12-14 06:27:18

I have been on the forum for about 8 years or so. At least once or twice a year a new discussion opens up where people long for the good old days where everything was (supposedly) so different and better! :-)

Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: What is happening to the forum?
Re: What is happening to the forum?
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2021-12-14 06:40:18

@ vrik maybe you right maybe it was not better... Maybe the nastiness was always there.. maybe it is that we notice it more, because we are so tired of negativity in general.

Sylvia - Re: What is happening to the forum?
Re: What is happening to the forum?
26 Sep 2010
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Posted: 2021-12-14 06:46:45

I put it down to our lyfestyles now. We cannot do the things we used to. We cant stay out late, have raucous partying, we are all cinderellas and have to be home by midnight. Job losses are plenty, bonds payments cannot be met, families losing their homes due to our new life {what life} Things certainly have changed very much and this is why i think lots of anger we are seeing on here. No more air travel overseas, jabs jabs and more jabs, and it is going to be like this or many more months if not years. We are all in the same boat gals and guys its very tough. We must just try keep healthy and covid free. I had that fucker in July, would not wish on my worst enemy. Try have good day everyone. hggies
Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: What is happening to the forum?
Re: What is happening to the forum?
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2021-12-14 07:18:14

@ RB... Love reading your writings..;)

But reading through it..makes me think vrik is right that it was never "better".

Maybe we where better for not noticing it.. or maybe we better now for noticing it. Who knows.

But I know this, I definitely don't like seeing people doing to that each other on a daily on the forum.

Words can't be unsaid ever. We need to think before posting comments or replies. ;) Just changing the way we word a sentence can make a whole lot of difference as in how that comment will be recieved and how people will view us.

Stay possitive, stay beautiful, stay fabulous!!


Kooni - Re: What is happening to the forum?
Re: What is happening to the forum?
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18 Jun 2019
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Posted: 2021-12-14 07:32:38

The fights were always there, but there were more fun filled threads in between in the past.

Ladies avertising specials and services are not a problem, but honestly do they need to flood the forum with 4 or 5 different threads at the same time. In my humble opinion thats to much, 1 or max 2 would suffice.

semensquirter - Re: What is happening to the forum?
Re: What is happening to the forum?
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11 Apr 2018
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Posted: 2021-12-14 08:16:46
Edited: 2021-12-14 08:18:43

Why complain?.
Just ignore and start a fun thread!...or contribute to /bump the thread that interests you.

Be a leader...try not to follow too have more chances of sniffing their to speak.
seanc - Re: What is happening to the forum?
Re: What is happening to the forum?
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13 Oct 2011
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Posted: 2021-12-14 09:04:39

On 2021-12-14 07:32:38 Kooni said:
The fights were always there, but there were more fun filled threads in between in the past.

Ladies avertising specials and services are not a problem, but honestly do they need to flood the forum with 4 or 5 different threads at the same time. In my humble opinion thats to much, 1 or max 2 would suffice.

What he said and Please buy my media posts that flood the forum daily is annoying


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