On 2017-03-31 09:54:14 virtual1980 said:
No need to be rude and uptight with regard to black man!!! There is nothing on your profile indicating that you don't see black man, the only way to find out is by phoning you...so get of your high horses and relax! Your tone is pathetic!!!!
On 2017-03-31 21:58:36 Jewel said:
OWO is DANGEROUS! Sex without is writing your own death sentence! Men YOU are putting the lives of your family as well as yourselves not to mention the WG/MG at HUGE risk! I'm a student and do loads of reading and research....don't believe me go onto "Google scholar" and read for yourself the scientific research done on sexually transmitted diseases. Recently a study in the UK found a huge percentage of sex workers have STI's in their throats from allowing OWO. Its reckless and selfish to request this. I had a gentleman visit me yesterday who told me it's all BS men saying it doesn't feel the same blah blah blah.....THINK with the brain in your head before requesting this act as a lady offering this service offers it to all and sundry and you don't know where the guy before you had his ding dong before you put yours in her mouth or otherwise....I'm all for good CLEAN fun....but PLEASE this is out of hand and you are putting us ALL at huge risk with these requests. 2/3rds of the world's population is infected with herpes 1, a smaller percentage with herpes 2, many don't show any symptoms but can still pass the virus on. Have fun but PLEASE take the very necessary precautions. ...to protect yourselves as well as your family's and please don't put ladies in a compromising position when business is as it is by asking for this service for an extra 150.....when you are infected with HIV or another vile virus that 150 will mean nothing. #AlwaysPlaySafe #ProtectionProtectsForAReason