On 2017-09-06 10:34:50 Need4Passion said:
Review when you feel the need to and think it will add value.
I do the same as you but if the first visit was great and the next 3 were bad, I pit another review on the 3 visits so people know that good service is rare but is consistently bad. Could be the other way around too.
Sometimes wgs address issues in the review to so they're not issues anymore so a follow up review is good to let everyone know things have changed.
Seeing the same wg 10 times and saying the same thing 10 times won't really add more value.
To me it just says 1 of a few things:
1. It's a selfie
2. You're her bf, pimp/madam, or friend
3. You're getting freebies or discounts for the service in exchange for good reviews.