On 2017-09-28 01:21:23 jonnys said:
Gosh, I think you might just be onto something new there!
Slow business means surely a massive surge of supply accompanied by an unprecedented drop in demand, which in turn must surely, logically, mean a drop in price!
Or at the very least, opportunities to radically negotiate and squeeze the poor ladies down to desperately offer ridiculously low low prices.
Is that where you were leading up to?
Or are you just doing some basic industry research at the university...?
On 2017-09-28 08:52:52 pregyzn said:
I don't think those stats mean much. Some ladies are pretty busy.
On 2017-09-28 01:21:23 jonnys said:
Gosh, I think you might just be onto something new there!
Slow business means surely a massive surge of supply accompanied by an unprecedented drop in demand, which in turn must surely, logically, mean a drop in price!
Or at the very least, opportunities to radically negotiate and squeeze the poor ladies down to desperately offer ridiculously low low prices.
Is that where you were leading up to?
Or are you just doing some basic industry research at the university...?
On 2017-09-28 11:14:54 BOOBS53 said:
I think that at the next meeting of the Secret Skommel Society it must recommend to dismantle the SSS ... it seem that the members perfected wanking in such a way that they only book ladies in emergencies ... reading that some members are wanking while looking at personal gallery photos of the ladies ... i am very worried ... lol !!!!!