On 2017-11-11 13:30:37 Sassy Cassie said:
OMG.. You MOAN like an old lady and luckily for me, i keep a DIARY. you actually only had a scheduled appointment for 4pm that afternoon.
Send me your email and i can send you copies ok my little noo noo, boo boo, ag se so cute!! Cheek squeeze. Luvs!!!
To add insult to injury i agreed to give YOU half price on the next booking, so there GIRLFRIEND, You can bring the tissues and maybe and ill bring a copy of "Woman and home", thats if you behave!!!
Thank you.
On 2017-11-10 14:14:03 Vegas said:
Let's not hold our breath for Cassie's response.
On 2017-11-11 14:04:40 flyingwild said:
Frank the one unintended side effect of ESA is that it sometimes gives credence to providers who are actually don't fit the bill. I cannot tell you the number of times I went to an SP based on pictures/reliable punter reviews and was bitterly disappointed or have had to realise that the forum persona did not match the real person.
This site has transformed punting for the better however in my experience have come to understand that the number one rule of punting is 'Have no expectations!' regardless of what the pictures, reviews or forum persona's lead you to think.
On 2017-11-10 22:19:31 Blu said:
I was offered a place to stay and work from on Cape Town... Considering it!