Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-03-11 13:05:54

Durban....hello hello!

A morning fantastic.

It was pre-booked and confirmed. I woke with a smile and went into the afternoon with even a bigger smile.

Delightfully erotic. Passionate and unrushed.

It was exactly what I has expected it to be.

A gentle soul, full of desire to be coaxed out of ones shell.

And , that seemed to be the trend for the rest of the morn.

Now a bite of spicy Indian foodies and then to continue with my day.

Today, Saturday earliest availability at present 6pm and onwards.

I do work thru the weekend and thus if I should miss u today, then may tomorrow be ours!

Loving Durban.


Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-03-11 13:12:35

Addendum to above...

What am I listening to while eating?

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-03-12 13:26:07

Greetings rainy and cloudy Durban

The morning full of wonder, sporting cycling wellness and now the rest of the day for a little bit of sensual indulgence.

A piece of music I came across, a country beat, that has put me in a mood to "ride" the crest of erotic desires.

Quite ironic, considering it is Sunday and the song is...

Devil devil - Eric Church

Actually ain't dark at all....enjoy!

As to the rest of today, Sunday

Earliest availability at present 4pm and onwards.

I want to do much to u ...I just want to , want to ...devour u!

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-03-13 13:41:51

Good afternoon dearest Durban!

What a mish mash of things all morning long!

And if punters think coming to an SP is only their way of destressing...let me tell u with is the same for me.

The company of a horny Gent who only cares to be spoilt in the most sensual of ways, does know to keep the irritation of the outside world at bay and, have me engage completely in the moment of pure passionate bliss.

And so my morning ended with explosive moments of aaaaahss!!!...from my Gents!

I love those that know how to play...unrushed and without any preconceived ideas of how it should be.

Each session is unique and ours to map.

Now to continue into the afternoon and eve.

Today Monday earliest availability at present

4pm and onwards.

Kiss u ever so close.



Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-03-14 15:35:29

Good afternoon dearest Durban.

A quick hello.

Loved every bit of the day so far.

And now to enjoy the rest of it!

Availability today Tuesday at present

4pm - 7pm

I do hope it shall be ur and my time!

Hug u most close .


Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-03-15 15:18:32

Gooood afternoon most dear Durban!

Sitting down and taking a bit of a breather.

My hands need that rest. This morning has been all about wellness.

The human form is a creation that I marvel at.

Those a little unkept to the super fit.

They all hold me in awe and each come with their own physical challenges.

The marvelous thing is, that once the person understands how to help oneself, then begins the journey toward a lifestyle more embracing of self.

Knowing to do that, not only plays out well on the health side BUT, does have its huge benefits when it comes to one's sexsensual side too.

From learning to let of thought heavy, to allowing the body to fall "within itself" and then absorbing every touch, every stroke, every suggestion with the purpose of further surrender to body and mind needs.

Time for self only knows to have a positive ripple effect

The same approach is applied in my sensual sessions

That ability to not overthink, the ability to surrender to a moment chosen ...and walk away,without guilt and embrace whatever lays beyond my threshold with a demeanor more restful and a little more resilient to daily challenges .

I love my space.

I love everything that defines it..and the centre of it is....


Looking fwd to the rest of my day being fully booked.

Today Wednesday earliest availability at present 5pm and onwards

Hug u most close.

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-03-17 10:06:32

Good morning my most dear...Durban!

Thank u for Yesterday!

I kept hydrated...I grabbed a "nibble" here and there and u kept me busy till the late hours of the eve in the most erotic of fashions!

This morning I have opted to take it a little easier as need sustenance and nourishment for what I know Friday has in store.

I cannot, just cannot be like...."half mast" ....for all Durban knows to share with me...GRIN.

I love those suggestions, the shy ones, the reserved ones, the uncertain space IS a safe space.

A discreet and private space.

MY space ONLY...always has been and shall remain.

Thus ask me whatever may tickle ur fancy..all u can get is a yes or judgement from my side.

I do have my boundaries but no harm in asking.

Just remember....BE RESPECTFUL OF MY BOUNDARIES and I shall be respectful toward our communication. finish my meal, my 3rd cup of coffee and get ready for FRIDAY!

Today earliest availability at present

3pm and onwards .

Lusty and passionate for u!


Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-03-18 09:17:29

Good morning dearest Durban!

As much as I took it easy yesterday, I thank u for keeping me smiling and the possibility of interesting prospects going fwd.

I love being challenged and, most of all, the possibility of new doors opening in unexpected spaces.

Thank u for those new possibilties! I shall apply myself.

As to today early start to make up for my "laziness" yesterday and what looks like an awesome productive passionate day.

And thus to hurry on and get that music list in imagination all geared for those blindfolds and ties and teases requested for the rest of the morn.

The early afternoon too, is taken BUT going into the eve can be urs and mine!

Looking fwd to YOU.

Earliest availability today Saturday, at present 4pm and onwards.

Kiss u close.


Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-03-20 10:46:21

Gooooood morning most delightful Durban!

Yesterday was more a day of leisure and excellent company.

I sat and listened and typed away furiously taking notes just to make record of much I heard.

It is good to listen in. It is good to hear and register, hopefully (grin) least for me.

And when it comes to that which I love just as much yet, very discreet in order not to offend the sensibilities of those that would look in and judge me for my choices...I cannot deny the enjoyment it brings me.

It is my RB space where I have the pleasure of likeminded Gents who know to surrender and engage with their innermost sensual self.

The understanding to let go and not overthink a moment in a space passionately rewarding.

And wonderful that work, in all spaces has not been affected today and thus to continue into Monday blessedly joyous and passionately naughty.

Today Monday earliest availability at present

3.30pm and onwards.

Loving u most dear Durban!

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-03-21 17:01:25
Edited: 2023-03-21 17:02:35

Late afternoon and what a wondrous day it has been.

Good afternoon Durban.

I knew it was going to be nothing short of excellent company.

The morning to start off with a "lover" sensual

and then a social party-like generosity only Durban hospitality knows to enjoy and offer without agenda or expectations.

I have always is the people that do it for me.. and the Durban communal way of living, with the loud flashy cars, broad grins and naughty eyes, laughter abundant and,banter galore exactly the way a day like this ....Human Rights Day....should be spent.

As always was all about food, loud raucous debate and music.

Thank u for ALWAYS,making me part of the communal living Durban is known for.

This is one of the songs I heard and knowing to be a hopeless romantic (when it comes to forbidden love...), it captured me.

It just sounded like a Bollywood romance between a beautiful maiden and a most handsome gent.

I left a jovial bunch of Women and Gents and made my way to finish my day with some fine erotica in the company of a very dear Durban regular .

Always but always enthralled with what Durban knows to offer.

Still humming and smiling.




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