Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: Review - Russian Bridgitte - Linksfield Johannesburg
Re: Review - Russian Bridgitte - Linksfield Johannesburg
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2016-02-26 08:44:29
Edited: 2016-02-26 08:46:02

I am always under the impression that there are nerves involved, both for the punter and the service provider.
From the service provider there is care to not fail as to the expectation and from the punter....well, i have my thoughts as to what it may be....each case different of course, for we are individuals after all.

It takes courage and trust to allow ones very self to be exposed, letting the ropes and control go, and just live in the moment.

We are all creatures of control, image conscious, trepidition in revealing our innermost.
But once we learn and recognise moments where it is more than fine and seriously ok to allow oneself the spoil of revealing without worry...the experience can be liberating, affording a breathe of fresh air in our daily challenging lives.

CME2....what u and i experienced was a liberation and acknowledgement of each others levels of passion and sensuality that only 2 people, prepared to surrender, can experience.
Thank u for your trust in me and allowing me to be part of u.
Thank u for sharing many writings and passages before our meet.
Revealing in their writings...a beautiful soul exposed.

I look forward to many many more moments of communication and trust your next visit will not be too long in a coming.



RogerC - Re: Review - Russian Bridgitte - Linksfield Johannesburg
Re: Review - Russian Bridgitte - Linksfield Johannesburg
Gold Member
11 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2016-03-01 10:07:00

Name: Russian Bridgitte

City: Johannesburg

Area: Linksfield

Last Visit: February 2016

Full Profile: [View Russian Bridgitte's Full Profile]


I visited Miss B. on Friday. What a way to start one's weekend.

One's expectations were wildly surpassed.The massage was just what the Doctor ordered and really relaxed me.
There after, well one would just have to visit to experience what Bridgitte is all about.

Bridgitte thank you for our time together. I am sure this will not be the last.



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[deleted] - Re: Review - Russian Bridgitte - Linksfield Johannesburg
Re: Review - Russian Bridgitte - Linksfield Johannesburg
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2016-03-01 13:35:06

Name: Russian Bridgitte

City: Johannesburg

Area: Linksfield

Last Visit: February 2016

Full Profile: [View Russian Bridgitte's Full Profile]


Bridgette is by far my favourite MG to visit. It had been far too long since I last visited her...6 months in fact...but my word...we took off where we left. We spoke like old friends and the passion just took over. Miss B is an expert at reading energy and what you require and always delivers. I had an extended session to make up for lost time but it still was not enough!!

Miss B is an absolute must see for anyone requiring some sensual TLC on an aching body...and member! I will not be waiting that long again for my return visit.


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Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: Review - Russian Bridgitte - Linksfield Johannesburg
Re: Review - Russian Bridgitte - Linksfield Johannesburg
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2016-03-02 09:07:40

My sweet Roger.
I am always aware the need of expectations to be met. A very daunting concern at times.
The deciding factor in a matter like that is the ability to be as honest and open as possible.
I can never repeat enough times how revealing we become in our nakedness.....innocent with no paraphenalia to hide behind.
Having the mindset to let go and enjoy the moment one finds oneself in, is a moment in time that leaves reality behind and allows the bliss of sensuality and intimacy to set in.
Thank u for that moment....thank u for your affirmation that i did meet your kind sir. You were an absolute pleasure.

Hurry back

[deleted] - Re: Review - Russian Bridgitte - Linksfield Johannesburg
Re: Review - Russian Bridgitte - Linksfield Johannesburg
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2016-03-02 14:00:40

Name: Russian Bridgitte

City: Johannesburg

Area: Linksfield

Last Visit: February 2016

Full Profile: [View Russian Bridgitte's Full Profile]


I visited you on Friday for and etended massage session and as it was such a great session and the best connection for me on a personal level with a massage lady. The connection or rather my perception thereof was so great that the rules in the form of lines drawn in the sand became very blurry for me with emotions getting the better of me.....


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Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: Review - Russian Bridgitte - Linksfield Johannesburg
Re: Review - Russian Bridgitte - Linksfield Johannesburg
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2016-03-02 15:14:27


Lines in the sand.

Sand.....a gazillion gazillion granules creating an evershifting mass. A wisp of wind, a shift of a does one keep that line so definite once drawn???

Emotions.....are they meant to stay dormant? Unmoved by an experience where one chooses to give in to?
Cutting oneself off from fulfillments fantasised....and thus when faced with them, should one run and hide?

Ohno my oldwillie.....the apex of letting go to that which has been revealed....your emotions were shared.
Very real....a moment where nothing was more real than the blurring of any lines drawn.

U r a gentle one...i hold u with gentle care and breathless.
I am beyond humbled at trusting me so deeply with ur emotions.
I shall keep u near with a sigh.

Till we meet again.

[deleted] - Re: Review - Russian Bridgitte - Linksfield Johannesburg
Re: Review - Russian Bridgitte - Linksfield Johannesburg
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2016-03-06 21:19:39

Name: Russian Bridgitte

City: Johannesburg

Area: Linksfield

Last Visit: February 2016

Full Profile: [View Russian Bridgitte's Full Profile]


On first meeting with Russian Bridgitte, her welcoming smile and gentle hug are enough to put anyone at ease and dispel any initial nervousness.
Her studio is beautifully laid out and tastefully decorated, without being overwhelming. The background music is there to promote a relaxed mood and environment, and covers a wide range of genres.
Ms RB's gentle questioning puts one further at ease and easily elicits answers. She can hold a conversation on any topic and is a delight to talk to.
Using a range of massage techniques, Ms RB offers a massage that works out all the knots to achieve a relaxed state of body and mind. Throughout, she is provocatively sensual and teasing, and her commitment and enjoyment clearly show.
In summary, it is a rare privilege to have met with Russian Bridgitte and her ardent arts.



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Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: Review - Russian Bridgitte - Linksfield Johannesburg
Re: Review - Russian Bridgitte - Linksfield Johannesburg
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2016-03-09 08:59:22





Overwhelmingly.....overwhelmingly.....overwhelmingly.... taken by surprise i was.

In your stillness, your quiet demeanour, the depth of your ardour feuling mine. Being transported to that which u need and are.....i was the student and u the teacher....a session so stunningly without inhibition.
Thank u thank u for allowing me into your world.
And thank u for your kind words.
The embers are burning....the desire alight.....
Hurry back.

Mr Bond
Mr Bond - Re: Review - Russian Bridgitte - Linksfield Johannesburg
Re: Review - Russian Bridgitte - Linksfield Johannesburg
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4 Sep 2013
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Posted: 2016-03-14 20:58:22

My dear Octopussy

Yet another stunning set of photos, just like you.

naughtyj - Re: Review - Russian Bridgitte - Linksfield Johannesburg
Re: Review - Russian Bridgitte - Linksfield Johannesburg
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9 Nov 2009
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Posted: 2016-03-27 17:29:36

Name: Russian Bridgitte

City: Johannesburg

Area: Linksfield

Last Visit: March 2016

Full Profile: [View Russian Bridgitte's Full Profile]


An amazing experience. This lady is gifted in her touch and in her ability for you to let go and experience your own sensuality through the power of touch. I suggest leave your expectations at the door and surrender, this lady will guide you to Utopia and back.thank you xxxxx


Face: 5/5
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