Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-03-22 21:15:41

Good evening dearest Durban!

I am grinning...all day a mad rush. A sexy rush...damn crazy sexiness!

Forbidden fruits always so much more desired when restrictions come into play.

To my Gents who go into fasting month ...Happy Ramadan.

Till our paths cross again.

To all my other Gents...let us continue in a style passionately intimate and most engaging.

I received a Burfi cake today and thus shall finish my day off with a strong cup of coffee and a slice of burfi cake and some stand up comedy on Netflix.

To rest and look fwd to whatever tomorrow holds!

Till the morrow my delicious ones.


Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-03-23 09:29:40

Gooood morning Durban!

Coffee had.

Early laughs shared.

Provisionals confirmed and off to go.

It will be a little different with Ramadan but, Durban in its cosmopolitan ways is always a delight and absolute pleasure and full of delicious possibilities!

All in place and thus the day to begin.

Today, Thursday earliest availability at present

3.30pm and onwards.

Looking fwd to the pleasure of u!



Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-03-24 14:57:33

We started strong and looks like we shall finish strong.

Greetings Durban!

I am a little tipsy from a lot of "loving".

That curiosity that knows to get the better of one and put ones shyness aside and allow oneself to "go with the flow"...all morning long, till now...and seems it shall be so going into the eve.

And thus, this Friday fully booked BUT, tomorrow can be ours.

Ps. Dinner dates do require a deposit simply to ensure silly games ain't played, and u respect my time and right to earn offering the best of all "RB" always offers, as much as I DEFINITELY respect ur request , money and time.

Loving u completely delightful Durban!

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-03-25 18:03:04
Edited: 2023-03-25 18:05:24

Everytime I wanted to , i got the best of ways.


Good evening most beautiful Durban!

to sit down, order a refreshing drink, listen to voicenotes, read some excellent messages and , in return hope to put a smile on them faces out there too.

A glorious Durban sunset. A bit clammy, breezy and where I am at I can smell the prepping of many a dinner dish in the restaurants.

Tonight another little surprise that presented itself yesterday.

An unexpected dinner date with a different spin.

An hour to go and most definitely a tale to be penned.

This evening, Saturday fully booked.

Tomorrow, Sunday is ours and cannot wait to see what the Blessings of such a day has in store!

Smiling and hungry in anticipation of what tonight shall bring.


Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-03-27 10:25:31

Gooood morning most dear Durban!

It has been a weekend of wonder.

It has been a weekend of reveals that have had me grinning to myself and once again , reminding me, to keep my feet firmly on the ground, never back down to silly requests, always be truthful and respectful to self and thus in return, afford that same integrity and respect toward others...even if we may find ourselves in a space many shy away from and label taboo.

This weekend has been passionate, indulgent, sensual and ...fucking mind blowing and engaging.

Loved EVERYTHING about it.

My stay in Durban ends on

Thursday 6 April.

And even though I am always sad to heart yearns for all my creature comforts and the "loves" I am blessed with in my hometown.

And thus...let us make the most of the time left for u and me and without hesitation devour each other with sincere passion and lusty erotica.

Hurry on over!

Pls note

I work strictly to appointment ONLY.

Today Monday earliest availability at present

2pm and onwards.

Yours I am.

Russian Bridgitte.

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-03-28 10:45:30

Good morning sunny Durban!

The shy sort is engaging me in the most sensual of ways.
The quiet kind that calls, books and, honors their appointment.

Only to find out it wasn't a spur of the moment thing but, a "look, read over a period of time and then that thing about the right time at the right the call with the intent of making an appointment there and then".

...Seems to be playing out quite a bit of late and I have to brag... because it is worthy of a brag.

I am honored to be the choice of those hesitant, shy sort that eventually trust enough to come thru and pleasure me with their company and in return pleasure them in my ways and shenanigans.

And then another plus that is playing out....being asked to assist with the wellness side, even though spotted on this sexy site, is even a greater compliment.

Durban .

My space abundant with all the best Kzn Durban has to offer.

Today Tuesday earliest availability at present

2pm - 7pm.

Adoring kisses .

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-03-29 09:43:40

Good morning Durban!

A quietness has settled in. The need for slow indulgence, gentleness...touch unrushed.

A sort of different need playing out this week.

The ask to be like lovers unrushed...and then that need to address movement debilitating, a mind fatigued, a space anxious. is healing, as is sharing and no doubt embracing ones own sensuality, liberating .

To be able to hug sincerely, kiss softly, linger in a touch and suggest with a whisper.

This is just some of what is a definite and has been...apart from deep passions engaged in, all sweaty and lusty.

Let it continue.

Today Wednesday earliest availability at present

3pm and onwards.

Adoring Durban.

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-03-30 21:01:17

Good night delightful Durban.

What a day it has been.

Loved it!

Till the morrow and all that Friday already promises to hold.

Sleep with thoughts of me as I shall most definitely sleep with thoughts of u.


Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-03-31 09:50:39

Good morning dearest Durban!

Drizzly and cool.

Perfect for intimacies most close.
The soft light of a lamp.
A warm space and thoughts of all things most erotic.

Keyword...sensual before sexual. To engage every part of ur physical form as well as ur mind .
To marry the two and let the magic begin.
The surrender , the trust, the desire...all in one.

Yesterday was another one of those days of new paths mapped with Gentle lovers who allowed me to lead, slow things down and then...let them lead.

Today already...a lover passionate enjoyed and looking fwd to much much more.

Happy Friday all!

Today earliest availability at present 4pm onwards.

Loving Durban

Come be mine.

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...DURBAN
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-04-01 10:45:08
Edited: 2023-04-01 10:46:43

Gooood morning dearest Durban.


This time round , opportunity has not presented itself too often, as in my past travels, to sit and enjoy the majesty of the ocean.

And thus this mornings spoil has been about reveling in the power and beauty of the Durban coastline while drinking that strong coffee and observing others who have too, surrendered to the beauty of nature.

And if one listens carefully, the sound of the seas is,actually quite loud and can be heard above the squeals of some visitors who dared to take a dip in the pool down below.

Bfst nearly finished .

Naughtiness calling and thus to make my way back to my little modest space, a little distance away from this gem of a spot for those with deeper pockets than mine, yet just as appealing and comfortably richly welcoming as this gem of a spot is.

Tomorrow I think I might have lunch here.

And thus dearest Durban, how i love to lose myself in the beauty of ur coastline and, even more so in YOU, my spirited Gents

Let us continue to define this weekend with passion and intimacies most sincere.

It is my last before I head back home this coming Thursday.

Today, Saturday availability at present

12noon - 5pm.

Loving all that Durban knows to be.



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