FirstTeamCaptain - Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
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30 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2021-11-02 15:08:01

On 2021-10-30 22:38:11 Russian Bridgitte said:
On 2021-10-29 23:44:12 FirstTeamCaptain said: On 2021-10-29 20:47:54 Russian Bridgitte said: On 2021-10-29 11:40:36 FirstTeamCaptain said: On 2021-10-26 19:44:45 Russian Bridgitte said: On 2021-10-26 18:06:23 Vrik said: I saw a lady today. She was very persistent in wanting to rub her pussy against my penis, without a condom. She tried at least 3 times. And it is very tough to tell a lady to not do it. She could just not believe i dont want to. And she is an incredibly sexy girl. I mean to have the big head keeping control is really, really tough. But with this thread in mind, i just did not want to take the risk...

...take the risk of...?'ll be told you're to blame because you allowed for it to happen in the first place?

As to the second part of your concern and gripe...

really? pls read the forum re insults thrown at SP's, derogatory statements made and implied, lumping most in the same category where disrespect is rife. In this game best u have balls of steel and own up to the fact that WHATEVER u may indulge in, in this space is a potential threat and danger and sometimes it will be the punter and at other times the SP that will be thrown a curve ball , where popcorn will be on the ready and 2c worth statements will be ferociously typed from the peanut gallery.


Your Question was "Take the risk of?" my reply was in relation to this particular thread and this particular topic.
Yes sure punters and SP's take the heat on different topics on the forum,but with this particular topic the Punter took the heat because apparently he "allowed for it to happen" and that's why I say the risk of blame (clearly as per this thread) falls on the punter.

Dearest FTC...i do not judge nor condone ANYTHING that happens between a punter and a SP....EXCEPT WHEN ONE OR OTHER PERSONS LIFE IS PHYSICALLY IN DANGER.
And i will tell u why....nor u, nor i, nor anybody else truly knows what transpires between two naked hot consenting adults when in the throes of desire and wanton lust.
Sometimes i read reviews and all i can say is WOOOOOOOO!!!! that is what u call fucking!!!...and then the question pops in my head if that condom stayed on or not....and what else happened. And we get high on such stories and revel in the tell.

Remorse. Guilt. Shame. what i sensed in the OP's disclosure of what happened.
And thus seeking solace and advise from a very fucked up panel of people who dabble in all things labelled taboo by society.

Come on. He admits to have visited the lady over and over...and she admits she misread the whole thing....why?...something none of us will ever know because the SP says she will not throw the OP under the bus.

Am i condoning what happened? not a fucking chance BUT, in my eyes he was very happy to have her pussy all over him otherwise, as if he couldnt have gotten some std anyways....

This was a thing that should have stayed between them...sorry. to SP's being raped and forced against their will to do things....I think mention was made , on this thread, by a SP,of a vile forced act on her and stating that SP's are not allowed to air such attacks. How fucked up is that.

How we minimise the reality and truth of this lusty industry that we ALL, choose to partake in and then play all coy and innocent and full of morals and scruples not seeing further than our own sorry noses....GRIN.

Hey RB
I think we should lay this one to rest and just agree to disagree on this one. We clearly see things differently, and that's okay.
Just to touch on a few things:

Yes I agree that some guys and SPs act "in the moment" and then turn around and regret and suddenly start fearing the consequences of their actions after the guilt occurs. Many men have spent time in jail due to this ie one night stands that were called rape the next day, or cheaters who when their husbands found out, claimed rape. You will never really know what goes on in a room between two adults, so at the end of the day all we can do is take the information we have and speculate.

Am I saying saying he is right completely. Ofcourse not. I was just reacting to the fact that he's being crucified after speaking about what he went through. Infact if the SP hadn't spoken so well and apologetically I doubt so many would've turned on him.

I feel like just because we partake in this industry knowing the risks it doesn't make the repercussions any better. SPs partake in it knowing there will be assholes, Abusers, rapists, criminals,addicts, time waisters and people with STDs but everyone still complains when they come across these people. (rightfully so.)
FirstTeamCaptain - Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
Gold Member
30 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2021-11-02 15:26:43

On 2021-10-30 23:04:11 Russian Bridgitte said:
On 2021-10-29 23:31:28 FirstTeamCaptain said: On 2021-10-29 20:36:23 Russian Bridgitte said: On 2021-10-29 11:40

Okay so where do I start with this beautifully written response of yours.

Oh we must come from the same place then. I just happen to tell it like it is too. Straight shooter. PS being liked is overrated. But I feel like you're underselling yourself there, you have many fans here. Your reviews speak for themselves.

Anyway, the business at hand. I actually usually like your posts, because you usually defend the bullied.

So anyway,the next paragraph you wrote sounded a lot like victim blaming.
I will take what you wrote, change the genders and use a common issue.

And thus...u are insinuating that the gorgeous man u chose to date off that dating site cannot be trusted?...that a slip up is a likelihood rather than not?...then why did u wear a super short dress to the date? Why did you rock up with no underwear on and cybersex with him all night the night before? Why did you ask him if he wanted to come in for a drink when he dropped you off? Why did you go into the bedroom with him? Why did you get in bed with him?
*End scene*

Can you imagine how sad life would be if people looked at date rape like that? (PS there are people that do look at it like that. There are people that think women who flirt and wear short skirts were "asking for it". How sick is that?)

Most dearest dear FTC

i, on purpose chose to answer the first part last and the reason being because it is a little lighter in approach and, considering it a Saturday shouldn't be dabbling in things too serious on a fine weekend eve.

I have no malice nor dislike toward u, in fact a very neutral disposition toward all except those that i have had the privilege of sharing time with.
There, i feel honoured to have been chosen to share of their time with me.


DAMN!!!!....I do hope u shall afford me the pleasure of ur company one day!

I like! I like! I LIKE!!! should compare apples to apples and your comparison of a booking with a service provider to that of the dress code of a lady and dating and the mentality of a rapist, don't belong under the same heading .

That is a topic on its own and a tragic societal flaw where sick weak men get away with abuse most vile.

I bid thee a good night and yes....i like to stand on the side of the underdog. x


I too stand on the side of the underdog,and unfortunately in this instance /context we just happened to have a different view of who the underdog is.

Again, I disagree :) Ofcourse one can compare booking an SP to a date with a stranger. It's done on this site all the time. The verdict is usually (you will spend way more money on the date and you might not get laid). But when talking about non Consensual sex, you shouldn't be comparing the actual date. I mentioned the date to paint the picture. What you should be looking at is were both parties in agreement with regards to Penetration. It's definitely not black and white, especially since mistakes can happen when you're doing pussy slides etc.

Anyway to end on a positive note. I am sure we will meet one day for sure and it will be awesome I definitely have no malice or dislike towards you too, I'm sure we would probably do a lot of talking if we met.
[deleted] - Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-11-02 15:28:31

I am still praying for you Galaxy.

TheHooligan - Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
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23 May 2021
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Posted: 2021-11-02 15:40:58

Don't worry about her results. Get on PEP now!! I had an experience where a condom broke with a WG. She told me shez negative and she showed me her bottle of Prep. I then went for a test the same day and it came out negative. Started my PEP treatment immediately. You can't take any1's word for it. And yes she raped you so report her
AnthonyEdwards - Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
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16 Dec 2020
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Posted: 2021-11-02 15:41:41

On 2021-11-02 15:28:31 SuperFuck said:

I am still praying for you Galaxy.

I will join you... Which one are we doing? John? Luke? Or Piccard?
semensquirter - Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
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11 Apr 2018
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Posted: 2021-11-02 15:46:42

On 2021-11-02 15:41:41 AnthonyEdwards said:
...I will join you... Which one are we doing? John? Luke? Or Piccard?

It's from the gospel according to SF!
Chapter 2000...vs...666.
AnthonyEdwards - Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
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16 Dec 2020
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Posted: 2021-11-02 15:50:31

On 2021-11-02 15:46:42 semensquirter said:
On 2021-11-02 15:41:41 AnthonyEdwards said: ...I will join you... Which one are we doing? John? Luke? Or Piccard?

It's from the gospel according to SF!
Chapter 2000...vs...666.

Oh dammit, I have the wrong bloody book.

No wonder it starts with Captains log... Stardate...
henrymi - Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
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22 Aug 2018
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Posted: 2021-11-02 16:30:46

If this guy actually cared he would have instantly gone to the doctor and started on PEP.

You are responsible for your own health and you make your own choices in this life
Potatoejetguy - Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
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8 Mar 2021
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Posted: 2021-11-02 16:35:48

Some forum posts are so long like a book, I just scroll past those ones and read the shorter ones
Potatoejetguy - Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
Re: 'Rape' bare by SP - what would you do
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8 Mar 2021
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Posted: 2021-11-02 16:43:23

I see he deleted his account. At the end of the day. You are responsible for your own body. It's not like the WG handcuffed him and put a gun to this guys head and said have bb, he went there for a massage but managed to let the lady get on top of him and let her vagina near his dick. Was he in a deep sleep with a boner or what.

how many strokes was done, I never know now since he didn't respond to this post


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