Angie - Re: Sp not refunding me
Re: Sp not refunding me
19 Sep 2021
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Posted: 2023-11-08 23:58:49

Dear Teletubby.

Are you angry at someone? Did a sp do you in? What is happening in your life that you so ruthlessly want to force your very twisted opinion on everyone reading this thread?

Being Angie- Imma give you a last attempt to re-think your strategy...

1. It's the 2nd time he paid in advance thinking that if he doesn't tell me who he is, or pay in advance, I would be less likely to reject him. I refunded him the first time, and because I did this, he thought he would try his luck again.

2. He knew I wasn't going to see him so he chose the deception route, and then was arrogant enough to tell me I never asked him or magically guessed that he was indeed Mr walker.

3. Then he came on Here and purposely slandered my name by seeking attention, causing a shit load of stress and drama for me, which I really didn't need or deserve.

4. The direct result of the stress caused is called tequila. This why I'm sticking myself and whom ever wants to join on friday. With his money. Because apparently I cannot keep it, but I'm def not paying him back so he can do it again right.

Is this savage. Fuck yes. Will he repeat this behavior... well...who knows... Maybe, maybe not. But for now,atleast I know he will not be causing any more shit for a bit in Pe.

Please also know that by supporting any type of compensation for this behavior, puts you in the same line as preditors, rapists, traffickers etc.
But hey... use it don't use it. Who am I right. Just a petty thief.

Ps. 2 bottles of Jose is paid for and waiting for the rest of us at Pablos.

Quite frankly, I cannot wait to spend some time with good punters and sps, whom You could thank for their contribution. Because most days these ones are the only reason us good sp's actually choose to stay in this industry... @Kickass as an example #justsaying.

Esa - Can we please look into closing this thread?! I'll stick you for some shots on Friday??? Hehe

Thank you everyone. Good night.
Chepness - Re: Sp not refunding me
Re: Sp not refunding me
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12 Oct 2018
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Posted: 2023-11-09 02:12:16

Angie, let this rest... Move on from this thread.

Every time you post a response to do damage control and gunner
support further reinforces the fact that you have scammer tendencies or at the very least are delusional while pretending to dispense justice when its not up to you to do so. This is a form of operating in bad faith. You have also demonstrated exceptional pride and arrogance with hints of a hero complex throughout this whole ordeal.

The quicker you move on from this experience (and thread) the better your reputation and business will be.

I've seen wgs in your position damage their reputation overnight and forced to quit advertising and close shop. Let that not be your fate.

You may feel justified in your decision but remember that you are running a business and your clients and prospects are watching this.

Don't feel a need to respond to this... Just move on, and best of luck on your future business.

DicktatorROB - Re: Sp not refunding me
Re: Sp not refunding me
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22 Feb 2023
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Posted: 2023-11-09 05:59:20

"Us good sps"

Angie u not not a good sp, this makes u a filthy crook, just like the said punter.
Kommerq - Re: Sp not refunding me
Re: Sp not refunding me
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27 May 2021
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Posted: 2023-11-09 06:15:30

If this doesn't sink in then it's clearly in the very thread of her make up and speaks volumes of her character and integrity
[deleted] - Re: Sp not refunding me
Re: Sp not refunding me
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2023-11-09 06:34:13

The wheel will turn. Her true colours are out.
Bareback scammer.

Kommerq - Re: Sp not refunding me
Re: Sp not refunding me
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27 May 2021
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Posted: 2023-11-09 07:26:16

Doesn't matter who made the suggestion that you buy drinks, albeit that he made the comment in jest, it's not your money to spend
Cheshire Cat
Cheshire Cat - Re: Sp not refunding me
Re: Sp not refunding me
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13 Jul 2023
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Posted: 2023-11-09 07:29:16

Amazing how people play victim these days. She aint paying back the money. The worse part of it, in any situation not just this one to justify stealing or turning back on your word. Rather say you need a drink because alcoholism is a real disease.

Maybe she expected everyone to say yeeeaawhoooptidoooo drinks for all...lets join you. Hmm NO! Not everyone suffers from alcoholism and encourages a con.

Also SPs and punters, join in the new trend. Punters pay less, stalk ladies, and SPs steal worries you'll be forgiven. Just offer some tequila. To commemorate this event, please name the tequila shot the "SHARK SHOOTER"

Enjoy your shark shooters guys ;-)
SolCandy - Re: Sp not refunding me
Re: Sp not refunding me
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23 Oct 2023
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Posted: 2023-11-09 07:33:20

For Angie to not want to return the funds - it must be a large sum. Angie though you are really ruining it for the other ladies.
DicktatorROB - Re: Sp not refunding me
Re: Sp not refunding me
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22 Feb 2023
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Posted: 2023-11-09 08:36:00

All the ladies and punters that are supporting this kak and will join her for drinks please say so, so we can avoid you as well.
DicktatorROB - Re: Sp not refunding me
Re: Sp not refunding me
Basic Member
22 Feb 2023
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Posted: 2023-11-09 08:37:17

On 2023-11-09 06:15:30 Kommerq said:
If this doesn't sink in then it's clearly in the very thread of her make up and speaks volumes of her character and integrity

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