primebeef - Re: virus
Re: virus
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Posted: 2021-12-10 16:00:52

JP82 - Re: virus
Re: virus
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Posted: 2021-12-10 16:13:06

On 2021-12-10 15:49:37 wild_one said:
like I said before you silly c**** can discuss and argue about this until JP grows a brain , it won't change my mind

I won't be taking any vaccine and that is final and since it's not mandated there is sweet f* all any of you can do about it other than to accept the fact and move on with your mundane existence

now I am on my way to a party where I won't be wearing a mask
so you suck on that while you consider how little i care about your "opinions'

That just about perfectly encapsulates the difference between the two sides - One forms their opinions based on the available evidence (and is open to changing their mind if new *credible* evidence comes to light - you know cos that's how science works), and the other is utterly impervious to facts.

Also I don't think anyone here gives a flying fuck whether you personally get vaccinated. Unlike you, I'm not hoping that your decision results in your death (as repugnant as you are), but you've made your choice. What we are against is your spreading of misinformation to people who may still be undecided.
Keyzer Soze
Keyzer Soze - Re: virus
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Posted: 2021-12-10 18:07:42

On 2021-12-10 15:49:37 wild_one said:
like I said before you silly c**** can discuss and argue about this until JP grows a brain , it won't change my mind

I won't be taking any vaccine and that is final and since it's not mandated there is sweet f* all any of you can do about it other than to accept the fact and move on with your mundane existence

now I am on my way to a party where I won't be wearing a mask
so you suck on that while you consider how little i care about your "opinions'

Fuck me! A party without masks? Nothing on your face to muffle the constant conspiracy shit coming from your mouth every time you open it. I can only imagine the kak you are going to come up with tomorrow, after attending this party. Looking forward to my morning chuckle. LMAO
Beautiful Busty British Gabby
Beautiful Busty British Gabby - Re: virus
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21 Jan 2020
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Posted: 2021-12-10 18:21:58

Please people its everyone's own choice what to do with their body. Non of our business at all . That's why doctors reports on your health are confidential. Please stop posting
JP82 - Re: virus
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Posted: 2021-12-10 18:27:40

On 2021-12-10 18:21:58 Beautiful Busty British Gabby said:
Please people its everyone's own choice what to do with their body. Non of our business at all . That's why doctors reports on your health are confidential. Please stop posting

I've said this before on a related thread but again:

he reason people get angry is that this isn't just a difference of opinion. It is a choice that has consequences - and consequences not just for oneself. Wearing a mask and getting a jab are not about protecting yourself, that's a side benefit, it's about protecting everyone else FROM you.

If there was someone on the forum arguing that he wants to drive blind drunk because it's his right to choose, he would similarly get slammed because his choice doesn't just affect him, it puts others in danger and no-one would be saying 'do what works for you'.(ignoring the legal question) That's what anti-vaxers are doing- making a deliberate choice that puts others in danger.

I guarantee you that there are people on this thread that think that the earth is flat, and besides for thinking it's funny, no one else gives a shit because that 'opinion', as stupid as it is, doesn't affect anyone else. But being anti-vax puts us all (and literally everyone we care about) in danger, so yes everyone has a right to choose but that choice has consequences and making a choice that says 'fuck everyone else I'll be ok' deserves to be judged and deserves moral condemnation.

(And it really doesn't help that when you try to find out the reasons why they would make such a decision all they have is bullshit conspiracy theories from the bowels of the internet that a 12 year old should be able to look at and know that it's a load of crap)

Also, no-one is forcing you to read this thread.
Keyzer Soze
Keyzer Soze - Re: virus
Re: virus
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26 May 2021
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Posted: 2021-12-10 18:53:46

On 2021-12-10 18:27:40 JP82 said:
On 2021-12-10 18:21:58 Beautiful Busty British Gabby said: Please people its everyone's own choice what to do with their body. Non of our business at all . That's why doctors reports on your health are confidential. Please stop posting

I've said this before on a related thread but again:

he reason people get angry is that this isn't just a difference of opinion. It is a choice that has consequences - and consequences not just for oneself. Wearing a mask and getting a jab are not about protecting yourself, that's a side benefit, it's about protecting everyone else FROM you.

If there was someone on the forum arguing that he wants to drive blind drunk because it's his right to choose, he would similarly get slammed because his choice doesn't just affect him, it puts others in danger and no-one would be saying 'do what works for you'.(ignoring the legal question) That's what anti-vaxers are doing- making a deliberate choice that puts others in danger.

I guarantee you that there are people on this thread that think that the earth is flat, and besides for thinking it's funny, no one else gives a shit because that 'opinion', as stupid as it is, doesn't affect anyone else. But being anti-vax puts us all (and literally everyone we care about) in danger, so yes everyone has a right to choose but that choice has consequences and making a choice that says 'fuck everyone else I'll be ok' deserves to be judged and deserves moral condemnation.

(And it really doesn't help that when you try to find out the reasons why they would make such a decision all they have is bullshit conspiracy theories from the bowels of the internet that a 12 year old should be able to look at and know that it's a load of crap)

Also, no-one is forcing you to read this thread.

Well said JP82, plus the kak these okes can come up with really makes for good comical reading material.
oraljim - Re: virus
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Posted: 2021-12-10 19:11:31

On 2021-12-10 18:27:40 JP82 said:
But being anti-vax puts us all (and literally everyone we care about) in danger.

I am not an anti-vaxer at all, and think wild_one and JE are nuts, but this sentence right there, in your post, is the single gravest error the pro vaxers make. And I would like you to explain it to me please. *IF* the vaccine works, even the tiniest bit, then why do *I* have to take it for *YOU* to be safe? Even if the vaccine only "reduces the chances of you dying" again - how does ME taking it make YOU safer? If it works then YOU take it and YOU are safe, and the unvaxed are unsafe and can spread it around as much as they like amongst themselves and you can laugh at them safe in the knowledge that you are vaccinated.

You do not need to be an anti-vaxer, conspiracy theorist whackjob to be justifiably suspicious of how COVID has been treated by almost every world government. However, justified suspicions is NOT the same thing as proof, but the pro vaxers need to stop dismissing the anti-vaxers out of turn, and the anti vaxers need to stop smelling their socks and getting high. Room for improvement on both sides of this debate (but the pro side does seem to be a lot more based on actual science and not conjecture and paranoia).
JP82 - Re: virus
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Posted: 2021-12-10 19:33:55

On 2021-12-10 19:11:31 oraljim said:
If it works then YOU take it and YOU are safe, and the unvaxed are unsafe and can spread it around as much as they like amongst themselves and you can laugh at them safe in the knowledge that you are vaccinated.

This sentence right here is your mistake. if I take it I am *safer*, not *safe*. If I wear a seatbelt I am *safer* (not *safe*) so even though I buckle up, I'm not ok with people driving drunk. No-one is safe until the disease is effectively eradicated - and that requires "herd immunity" i.e. making the spread of disease from person to person unlikely. (remember that phrase? before vaccines people on the right were dead keen on getting to herd immunity through infection by letting covid run wild, regardless of the fact that health systems would be overwhelmed and there would be substantial loss of life. Now that there's a safer and quicker way to achieve herd immunity they seem remarkably less enthusiastic about getting there).
oraljim - Re: virus
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Posted: 2021-12-10 19:43:23

On 2021-12-10 19:33:55 JP82 said:
This sentence right here is your mistake. if I take it I am *safer*, not *safe*. If I wear a seatbelt I am *safer* (not *safe*) so even though I buckle up, I'm not ok with people driving drunk.

You are conflating too many things and too many metaphors and examples. Nothing in life - NOTHING - not even breathing in your own home - is perfectly safe. If that is the criteria you are aiming for then on this point (and ONLY this point), I would be forced to agree with wild_one - you ARE an idiot. However, if you are rational, you know that life brings with it some inherent risks and that the rational thing to do is mitigate those risks. So again, YOU take the vaccine to mitigate YOUR risks. That's fair. But requiring everyone else to do something they believe is risky, just to make you feel better, isn't rational at all. If you want to keep the seatbelt analogy going - you wearing a seatbelt makes YOU and people in your car safer. It is an exceptionally rare accident that you wearing a safety belt makes ME safer. Also, the government's reaction to you not wearing a safety belt is telling - a R250 fine. The government's reaction to you not taking the vaccine? Cant work cant shop cant live must be jailed must be kept away from everybody else danger danger danger! Can you spot the difference between those two?
triton242 - Re: virus
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6 Dec 2019
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Posted: 2021-12-10 19:47:13

Very well said OralJim


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